Saturday, September 28, 2024


China’s New Claim: Maine Lobsters (Not Lab Leak) Spread COVID to Wuhan

Chinese diplomats and internet trolls have come up with a novel, if disingenuous, idea about the source of the COVID-19 pandemic, said NBC News via Yahoo. Pro-China social media accounts are pushing a new thread of propaganda about the origins of the pandemic, claiming that Covid was imported to Wuhan...

Alec Baldwin Kills Cinematographer on Movie Set

(Headline USA) Actor and notorious left-wing rageaholic Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun on a movie set and killed the cinematographer, authorities said. The director of the Western being filmed was also wounded, and authorities are investigating what happened. Halyna Hutchins, cinematographer on the movie “Rust,” and director Joel Souza were...

In Va. Race, McAuliffe Faces ‘Nightmare’ Scenario: A Challenge from the Left

(Headline USA) The antithesis of everything black Virginians stand for---elite, white former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a New York native, is at his element wooing big-money donors like foreign nationals and sexual deviants. But McAuliffe has recognized in the high-stakes Virginia gubernatorial campaign that one group---lower-income and middle-class black families---may hold...

Rand Paul Refers Lying Fauci to DOJ; Doubts Partisan AG ‘Will Have Time’ to Pursue

In an appearance Thursday on Fox News Primetime, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., reprimanded COVID czar Anthony Fauci for lying to the Senate about whether the NIH had funded “gain-of-function” research in coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan bioweapons facility. Rand Paul blasts Anthony Fauci after NIH admits gain-of-function funding | Fox News...

Left’s Bid to Smear Jan. 6-Linked Lawmakers Winds Up Giving Them ‘Cred’ Instead

Attempts by Democrats to shame 21 conservative lawmakers by tying them to the Jan. 6 uprising at the US Capitol and rhetoric claiming vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election have backfired. ‘His Street Cred Went Up’: The Unintended Consequences of Outing the GOP Lawmakers at Jan. 6... this @rubycramer...

McAuliffe Accepted $450K from Former Jeffrey Epstein Associate

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe has received at least two six-figure donations from a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, according to campaign financial records obtained by Fox News. Ron Burkle, a billionaire investor who regularly traveled with Epstein and former president Bill Clinton, gave McAuliffe’s campaign another $100,000 in...

NIH Confirms Fauci LIED Under Oath About Gain-of-Function Research

Richard H. Ebright, molecular biologist at the National Institutes of Health, posted a letter contradicting COVID czar Anthony Fauci's previous testimony that the NIH had not funded gain-of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Breitbart reported. NIH corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci...

Bannon Warns of ‘Psychological Warfare’ as Dems Advance Jan. 6 Witch Hunt

With a contempt vote looming from partisan House Democrats over a subpoena he ignored, Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist and host of the War Room podcast, warned Americans this week of impending "psychological warfare." “The first tenet of psychological warfare is to break you to become compliant to...

Manchin Calls Out Leftist Media ‘Bulls**t’; Denies Possible Party Switch

Sen. Joe Manchin, D.-WVa, is fed up with the "Bulls***" leftist media, the Gateway Pundit reported. According to the report, Mother Jones writer David Corn recently claimed that Manchin has concocted a plan to switch over from the Democrat Party to independent status. "In recent days, Sen. Joe Manchin has told...

Federal Judge Reverses Policy Forcing ICE to Release COVID-Prone Migrants

A federal court overturned a lower court order this week that required immigration officials to monitor and even release detained illegal immigrants at risk of COVID-19 infections. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a previous injunction forcing Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to release certain detainees due...

CARTER REDUX: Fed Warns that Biden’s ‘Normal’ Economy May Be in Recession

After Democrats promised a “return to normalcy” with a Biden presidency, the Atlanta Federal Reserve is warning Americans that at least as to the economy, not so fast. The Atlanta Fed's Q3 GDP forecast/nowcast started out at 6.3% back in early August. Here in mid-October, we're close to ZERO. In...

State Dept. Celebrates ‘International Pronouns Day’

The State Department celebrated “International Pronouns Day” on Wednesday, saying it recognizes a variety of preferred pronouns, including “ze/zir/zirs.” Today on International Pronouns Day, we share why many people list pronouns on their email and social media profiles. Read more here on @ShareAmerica: https://t.co/gWhoItvGvo. — Department of State (@StateDept) October 20,...
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