Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Schumer Looks to RINOs for Help on Abortion Legislation w/o Ending Filibuster

(Headline USA) Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was quick to capitalize and make a good political show of angrily denouncing as an “abomination” the Supreme Court’s leaked draft decision that would overturn the nation’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling and vowed that if it stands the Senate will vote on...

Trump Hammers Feckless Fraud-Denier Brnovich for Debate No-Show

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) Donald Trump continued to make his presence felt in conservative politics over the weekend, making an appearance at Blake Masters' rally where he condemned Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich over his mishandling of Arizona's questionable practices during the 2020 election. Masters, who is running as an Arizona...

Capitol Police Officer Discharges Gun Inside House Office Building

(Headline USA) A U.S. Capitol Police officer fired a gun inside a break room in a House office building on Tuesday and was promptly suspended---the latest stain for a police department struggling to regain the public's trust after a rabid fox was able to breach security and a recent...

Elon Musk May Regret Bringing his Mom to Met Gala

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Billionaire and recent owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, brought his mother as his plus-one to the Met Gala—a move he may have ended up regretting after she interrupted an interview, the Daily Wire reported. “Sir, I’d say you are the man who’s being much talked about...

Pfizer Expects Its COVID Vax for Kids Under 5 to Be Ready by Early June

(Headline USA) Pfizer now hopes to tell U.S. regulators how well its COVID-19 vaccine works in the littlest kids by late May or early June. Pfizer is testing three extra-small doses of its vaccine in children under 5 after two shots didn't prove quite strong enough. Initial results had been expected...

Judge OKs Reparations Lawsuit for 3 Survivors of 1921 Tulsa ‘Massacre’

(Headline USA) An Oklahoma judge ruled Monday that a lawsuit seeking reparations for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre can proceed, bringing new hope for some measure of justice for three survivors of the deadly racist rampage who are now over 100 years old and were in the courtroom for...

CDC Reinstates Travel Masking Recommendation, Despite Court Order

(Headline USA) U.S. health officials on Tuesday restated their recommendation that Americans wear masks on planes, trains and buses, despite a court ruling last month that struck down a national mask mandate on public transportation. Americans age 2 and older should wear a well-fitting masks while on public transportation, including...

Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Don Lemon Dropped

(Headline USA) A bartender who accused CNN host Don Lemon of touching him inappropriately has dropped his sexual assault lawsuit, claiming he misremembered his interaction with Lemon. Dustin Hice sued Lemon in 2019 and accused him graphically harassing him one night. According to the lawsuit, Lemon “put his hand down the...

DC Elem. School Asks Kids to Inform on ‘Racist’ Family Members

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Janney Elementary School in Washington, D.C. taught "anti-racism" lessons to children as young as four, and asked them to identify "racist" family members, National File reported. The public school also had students attend an "Anti-Racism Fight Club" presentation, featuring speaker and author of a book under...

Hysterical AOC Claims Supreme Court Is Coming For Civil Rights Next

(Headline USA) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., hysterically claimed on Monday that the Supreme Court is going to overturn gay and civil rights if it moves forward with overturning Roe v. Wade. A leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court revealed that a majority of justices want to overturn Roe v. Wade....

Idaho GOP Pushes Back as Californians Flood the State

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Idaho's Republicans released an advertisement on May 2 that warns voters not to let emigrants fleeing California turn the state into a sexually degenerate, drug-addicted and dangerous Third-World country, Big League Politics reported. The Kootenai County Republican Party created the ad, which begins with narrators saying...

Biden Admin Claims ‘Ministry of Truth’ Will Be Geared Toward Foreign Interference, Not At-Home Censorship

(Headline USA) The Biden administration tried to defend its new “Ministry of Truth” this week by claiming the disinformation board will focus on foreign interference rather than at-home censorship. The Department of Homeland Security revealed last week that it has launched a new Disinformation Governance Board to monitor “misinformation” online. Republicans...
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