Sunday, June 16, 2024


Supply Chain for Green Energy is Nearly Nonexistent

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) As renewable energy prices soar and investments flatline, the CEO of Rivian, an electric vehicle company, said that the supply chain for battery cell production virtually "does not exist," the Daily Caller reported. Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe said President Joe Biden has demanded that automakers sell...

Shock: Pelosi’s Daughter Admits Where True Threat to Democracy Lies

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Christine, posted a controversial tweet on the White House Correspondents Association Dinner that is catching some flack from the Left, Twitchy reported. A “NerdProm Week” of corporate media feting the politicos they cover with celebrities and booze rather than a simple...

Psaki Pushes Bogus Claim that Ministry of Truth Was Trump’s Idea

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted that the recently announced Disinformation Governance Board was a continuation of Trump-era efforts, Western Journal reported. The board was inititally revealed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with no references to the Trump administration. “We have just established a mis-...

Sen. Rick Scott: Left Uses Race-Baiting and Lawfare to Commit Systemic Vote Fraud

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., accused leftist of using lawsuits and race as an excuse to weaken election integrity laws, leaving voting open to potential fraud. “You know what the left does? …If you do you have to ask somebody for their ID, you’re a racist,” Scott said.@SenRickScott...

Antifa Assaults Christian Street Preacher in Broad Daylight

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A Christian street preacher delivering a sermon was openly assaulted by Antifa thugs who were protesting systemic racism on the first of May, the Liberty Daily reported. Footage of the violent assault was captured and posted to Twitter: Multiple assaults reported today at the May Day direct...

Biden Taps Russia-Linked Big $$ Donor to Rep US–Asia Business Interests

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) President Joe Biden, who has long exercised his Chinese connections, has appointed a China-connected donor to manage business relations between the United States and Asia, the Daily Caller reported. Dominic Ng, chairman of the East West Bank, will now represent the United States' interest on the...

Manchin Endorses GOP, Slams Biden Plans in Primary Against Trump Ally

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. has cut a campaign ad defending a Republican candidate for Congress against charges that he supported President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better spending program. "I have always said, if I can't go home and explain it, I can't vote for it, and that's...

Bill Maher Roasts Hunter Biden w/ Crack-Addict Joke

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) Hunter Biden's reputation continues to trend in the wrong direction. This past weekend, the son of President Joe Biden was made mocked on national television for his addiction to hard drugs. For years, evidence of the president's son's questionable behavior has been discussed behind closed doors and...

Left Mourns Death of Domestic Terrorist, Mom of Radical San Fran. DA

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Convicted murder, terrorist, and bank robber Kathy Boudin, mother of current San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, a Democrat, has died of cancer. She outlived by over 40 years the two New York police officers and one Brinks guard who were killed as she helped the Black Liberation...

‘Biden Is Just A Front Man’: Tulsi Gabbard Connects Dots Between Obama and Biden

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said that President Joe Biden created the Disinformation Governance Board on the order of his old boss, former President Barack Obama, The Daily Wire reported. Gabbard has been openly critical of Biden, and made this argument in a tweet after the administration...

‘We Are Headed To Hell’: CNN Guest Rants on Twitter Deal

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) CNN media analyst David Zurawick blamed former president Donald Trump for "opening the gates of hell," claiming he paved the way for billionare Elon Musk to purchase Twitter, The Daily Wire reported. In an appearance on CNN's show "Reliable Sources," Zurawick also called for regulations to...

SURVEY: 72% of Small Businesses Raise Prices Due to Inflation

(Headline USA) As inflation surpasses 40-year highs, 72% of small businesses surveyed are increasing prices to keep their doors open, according to the latest Small Business Optimism Index. It’s the greatest percentage ever recorded in the survey’s history, which the National Federation of Independent Business’s (NFIB) has conducted every year...
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