Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Gaslighting AP Claims Shortage of Illegals Is Causing Inflation

(Headline USA) Notoriously biased Associated Press writer Nicholas Riccardi offered up another hearty serving of fakery on Saturday, illustrating why the once-vaunted wire syndicate has lately been redubbed "American Pravda" by many conservative news-consumers who are capable of even the most rudimentary logical reasoning. The leftist hack desperately tried to...

Unhinged Dems Fly Nazi Flags Outside Disney, Try to Frame DeSantis

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In a case of what many are calling a likely false flag narrative planted by alt-left radicals, footage from outside of Disney World in Orlando, Florida, showed people flying Nazi flags, The Jerusalem Post reported. The original post was on TikTok and has reached over 3...

CNN Poll: Abortion Leak Fails to Move Political Dial in Dems’ Favor

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) A recent CNN poll foretells more bad news for Democrats running for office at the midterm elections this November. Last week, CNN polling found that Republicans are still strongly favored to take over the House and the Senate, even after the recent leak of the Supreme Court...

ABA Aims to Lower the Bar for Law Schools by Eliminating LSAT

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The American Bar Association has proposed that law schools stop requiring the Law School Admissions Test for new students in order to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, Legal Insurrection reported. The ABA's Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar released its...

Michigan’s Radical, Lesbian AG Vows Refusal to Enforce Pro-Life Law

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has proclaimed that she will not be enforcing a Michigan anti-abortion law that would come into effect if Roe v. Wade was overturned. Nessel, referring to a 1931 Michigan law, said she refuses “to enforce this draconian law that will endanger...

White House Warns of 1 Million COVID Cases Ahead of 2022 Midterms

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The White House has announced that there could be as many as 100 million COVID-19 infections in the fall, just in time for people to be forced to submit their mail-in votes for the midterm elections. “What they’re saying seems reasonable—it’s on the pessimistic side of...

Nevada Conservative Laxalt May Help Reclaim Senate for GOP

(Headline USA) The man Republicans hope could be their 51st senator, putting them back in power, took the stage recently at a rowdy country music bar in Las Vegas packed with excited voters. Adam Laxalt is the grandson of a Republican senator from Nevada and an avowed conservative who was...

Dems’ Violent Rhetoric Leads to Arson at Wisc. Pro-Life Ministry

(Headline USA) With the tacit approval of top Democrats, who refused last week to denounce the doxxing of Supreme Court justices and, in several instances, encouraged violent activism, arsonists attacked a pro-life ministry using a Molotov cocktail and spray-painted hate-speech messages, authorities said Sunday. Madison police spokeswoman Stephanie Fryer told...

Biden Admin Pressures Internet Service Providers to Comply w/ Agenda

(Headline USA) Following the failed rollout of its controversial Disinformation Governance Board, the Biden administration sought other ways to use internet regulations to control its messaging. Among those may be a pressure campaign, not unlike the Obama administration's Operation Choke Point, to exert pressure at the very source. The Biden administration...

Biden Ramp Up of Title 42 Expulsions for ‘Political Optics,’ Not Securing Border

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The Biden administration's push to export Cubans and Nicaraguans at the southern border is being called out as a political ploy which will have no impact on combating illegal immigration, according to former senior border enforcement, Just the News reported. "This is purely political optics," said...

Pelosi On Mother’s Day: It’s ‘Disrespectful’ To Not Allow Women To Have Abortions

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In a cheerful Mother's Day address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, made a statement saying not allowing abortion was "disrespectful" to women, The Daily Wire reported. Pelosi made these remarks on CBS News' "Face the Nation" with Margaret Brennan. The comments came in the wake of a...

Clarence Thomas On Draft Leak: Court Can’t ‘Be Bullied’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Supreme Court Jsutice Clarence Thomas said in a statement that he and his fellow justices would not be "bullied" into changing their minds, The Daily Wire reported. Speaking at the 11th Circuit Judicial Conference in Atlanta, Thomas made the comments regarding the recently leaked early opinion...
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