Friday, September 20, 2024


McConnell Chides Mayors for Weak Responses to Riots

(Headline USA) Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell chided some big-city mayors Tuesday for showing a reluctance to enforce the law during ongoing riots. The Kentucky Republican also said police agencies deserve respect. McConnell, who is seeking a seventh term in the November election, spoke about protests after receiving an endorsement from...

Trump Visits Kenosha Against Wishes of Leftist Local Political Leaders

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump visited the destruction left by leftist rioters in Kenosha, Wisc., on Tuesday and declared it was enabled by Democratic leaders. pic.twitter.com/iZcL0U92pZ — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 1, 2020 Soon after arriving in the city --- a visit made over the objections of state and local leaders --- Trump...

Appeals Court Blocks Release of Trump Tax Returns to NY Prosecutor

(Headline USA) A federal appeals court on Tuesday blocked a New York prosecutor from obtaining Donald Trump’s tax returns while the president's lawyers continue to fight a subpoena seeking the records. The three-judge panel ruled after hearing brief arguments from both sides. Trump's lawyers had asked for a temporary stay while they...

Trump Calls on Big Ten Conference to Play Fall Football

(Headline USA) The Big Ten Conference, already in court and under pressure from players and parents over its decision to cancel fall football, is now hearing from President Donald Trump. Trump tweeted Tuesday that he had spoken with Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren about reinstating the fall season. “Had a very productive...

Dem’ Nominee Who Admitted Sex Harassment REFUSES to Quit US Senate Race

(Headline USA) Embattled Nebraska U.S. Senate hopeful Chris Janicek doubled down Monday on his refusal to bow out of the race, despite relentless pressure from the state Democratic Party after he admitted to sending sexually offensive text messages about a campaign employee. Janicek reaffirmed his pledge to stay in the race...

Ore. Sheriffs Refuse to Send Deputies to Portland Per Governor’s Request

(Headline USA) A plan by the governor of Oregon to use sheriff’s deputies from surrounding counties to help patrol Portland following the deadly shooting of a Trump supporter was sharply criticized by law enforcement officials who said it wouldn't end the “cycle of violence” in the city that’s approaching 100...

Trump Defends His Supporters Who Rallied in Portland; Mourns Man Who was Killed

(Headline USA) A supporter of a conservative group who was shot dead on a Portland, Oregon, street was mourned by both friends and President Donald Trump as a victim of liberal violence while an online fundraising effort raised tens of thousands of dollars in his memory. Just hours before he was...

Appeals Court Keeps Michael Flynn Case Alive; Won’t Order Dismissal

(Headline USA) A federal appeals court in Washington on Monday declined to order the dismissal of the Michael Flynn prosecution, permitting a judge to scrutinize the Justice Department's request to dismiss its case against the President Donald Trump's former national security adviser. The decision keeps the matter at least temporarily alive...

Judge Blocks Asylum Screening by Border Protection Agents

(Headline USA) A federal judge on Monday blocked U.S. Customs and Border Protection employees from conducting the initial screening for people seeking asylum, dealing a setback to one of the Trump administration’s efforts to rein in asylum. The nationwide injunction will likely have little, if any, immediate impact because the government...

Biden Emerges from Basement to Nearby Pittsburgh; Says Violence is Trump’s Fault

(Headline USA) Joe Biden condemned recent riots while also blaming --- without providing evidence --- that President Donald Trump for fomenting the divide that's sparking it. He dismissed his presidential opponent as incapable of tackling the violence himself. “He doesn't want to shed light, he wants to generate heat, and he’s stoking violence...

Appeals Court AGAIN Rules Out House Dems’ Subpoena for McGahn

(Associated Press) A federal appeals court panel on Monday again threw out a lawsuit by House Democrats to compel former White House counsel Don McGahn to appear before a congressional committee. In a 2-1 ruling, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held that the House of Representatives...

State Police to Return to Portland Following Deadly Shooting

(Headline USA) Oregon State Police will return to Portland to help local authorities after the fatal shooting of a man following clashes between President Donald Trump supporters and counter-protesters that led to an argument between the president and the city's mayor over who was to blame for the violence. Protesters were...
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