Monday, June 17, 2024


Riots in Wisc. After Out-of-Context Video Shows Police Shooting Black Man

(Headline USA) Officers deployed tear gas early Monday to disperse hundreds of people who took to the streets following a police shooting in Kenosha that also drew a harsh rebuke from the governor after a video posted on social media appeared to show officers shoot a black man seven times...

Biden Says He’d Shut Down Economy if Health ‘Experts’ Recommended

(Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he would follow public health advisers’ advice if they called for a national shutdown should he take office and the coronavirus had not abated. “I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives. We cannot get the country moving until...

Kellyanne Conway to Leave White House at the End of August

(Headline USA) Kellyanne Conway, one of President Donald Trump's most influential and longest serving advisers, announced Sunday that she would be leaving the White House at the end of the month. Conway, Trump's campaign manager during the stretch run of the 2016 race, was the first woman to successfully steer...

Inspector General: Census Lacks Door Knockers Needed for 2020 Count

(Headline USA) The U.S. Census Bureau is short by more than 25% of the door knockers needed for the 2020 census, according to its watchdog agency, and it's about to let go of its least productive census takers. Both developments highlight persistent questions about whether the bureau has enough manpower...

Trump Says Democrats’ Convention was ‘Gloomiest’ in History

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump said Friday that where Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden sees “American darkness," he sees “American greatness.” Anxious for his turn in the spotlight after the four-day Democratic National Convention, Trump is hitting his opponent hard. “Over the last week, the Democrats held the darkest and angriest and...

Pence Previews RNC as Media Obsesses Over QAnon ‘Support’ for Trump

(Headline USA) Previewing themes for next week's Republican Party convention in a series of media appearances, Vice President Mike Pence promised a heavy focus on GOP support for law and order as he drew a contrast with Democrats for a “negative” tone at their gathering and failure to acknowledge violence plaguing...

GOODYEAR: Attire Supporting Police OK, but No Political Wear

(Headline USA) The CEO of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. said Thursday that it will allow employees to wear attire supporting law enforcement, though it will continue to ask them not to express support for any political candidates while on the job. In a letter Thursday addressed to “Goodyear Customers,” CEO...

APPEALS COURT: Group Can’t Sue San Antonio over Chick-fil-A Airport Decision

(Associated Press) A group of conservatives doesn't have the legal standing to sue San Antonio over its rejection of a Chick-fil-A restaurant at the city's airport, a Texas appeals court ruled. The San Antonio City Council approved a contract last year with an Atlanta-based company to bring new vendors to San...

Trump Trolls Biden in Old Pa. Backyard

(Headline USA) Determined to keep Pennsylvania in his column, President Donald Trump took the fight to Joe Biden's old backyard Thursday and insisted his Democratic rival would be the state's “worst nightmare” if elected president. In a particularly in-your-face bit of campaign trolling, Trump staged a small rally just outside the...

Trump Wants Supreme Court Approval to Block Critics on @realdonaldtrump

(Associated Press) President Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to allow him to block critics from his personal Twitter account. The administration said in a high-court filing Thursday that Trump's @realdonaldtrump account with more than 85 million followers is his personal property and blocking people from it is akin to...

Cuomo Brushes Back Critical Nursing Homes Report; Slammed for COVID Book

(Associated Press) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded Wednesday to an Associated Press report that his state’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes could be a significant undercount, saying it makes sense to include only those residents who died on the home’s property. Unlike the federal government and every other state...

Trump Appeals as Judge OKs Manhattan DA Getting Tax Returns

(Associated Press) A federal judge on Thursday cleared the way for Manhattan's top prosecutor to get President Donald Trump’s tax returns, rejecting a last-ditch attempt by his lawyers to block a subpoena issued to his accounting firm. Trump's lawyers immediately appealed U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero's decision to the Second Circuit...
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