Friday, October 18, 2024


Clinton Stooge Terry McAuliffe Makes a ‘Full Flop’ on Opposing Va. Infanticide

'A woman’s life or death may be on the line and, you know, one doctor is as good as three...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Long known for maintaining friendly ties with the Chinese government, former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe tiptoed nearer to endorsing the U.S.'s own variation of a "one...

Trump, Coulter and Dems Unite to Bash Departing DHS Sec. Nielsen

'It was long past time for her to go...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen made it through the November midterm unscathed after speculation had swirled that she would be among several Cabinet-level officials needing to be replaced. But while the whims of CEO-in-Chief Donald Trump may have...

Conservative Millionaire Invites AOC to Come Hear Stories of Successful, Hard-Working Capitalists

'Don’t just see me as some wealthy guy, defending the free market. Instead see me as the son of a mother who dropped out of school in eighth grade...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Conservative investor Foster Friess and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-NY, may have a lot to discuss if the...

Ex-Clinton Stooge McAuliffe Moves Closer to Declaring 2020 Run

He 'is now thinking who is our best chance in this environment to win, and I think he believes, in his mind, it's him...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Very few Democrats have been clamoring for another white, male candidate with close ties to the Clintons. Very few centrists and conservatives have...

Obama ‘Proud’ of Anti-Semitic, Trump-Cursing Freshman House Dems

'It's a young, diverse class, stocked with a bunch of my campaign and administration alums...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In merely three months, new Democratic members of Congress have made the dialogue on Capitol Hill more hostile, wedge-based and radical. They have encouraged profanity and threatened removal of the president with...

Sen. Mike Lee Sends Up Green New Deal with Biting Mockery

'It’s a token of elite tribal identity---and endorsing it, a public act of piety for the chic and woke...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Amid concerns over whether the Democrat-supported Green New Deal could end commercial air flight as we know it, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, offered some bold replacements for...

GRAHAM: After Mueller, It’s Time to Investigate the ‘Other Side’ of Collusion Story

'When it comes to the FISA warrant, the Clinton campaign, the counterintelligence investigation, it’s pretty much been swept under the rug ... Those days are over...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines)  Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC,  invoked his bipartisan bona fides on Monday to reiterate the conclusiveness of the Mueller report while...

AOC’s Racist Hand Sign, Stalinist Rhetoric Fuel Questions on Motives

'The Bronx Democrat is the last person qualified to accuse someone else of dredging up hidden signals of racism...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-NY, continued Thursday to add fodder to the widespread speculation about her motives---even recent online rumors that she may be a racist in disguise. On...

Scott Walker Raising Funds to Oppose Eric Holder’s Gerrymandering Ploy

'There is no legal strategy the Democrats won’t try in order to litigate their way into power...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the first casualties of Obama operatives' bid to redistribute political power through court-forced redistricting, former Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wisc., now hopes to raise money to counter the...

JORDAN: Mueller’s Prosecutors May Have Departed Because of Their Biases

'I think people should view with some skepticism the notion that gets breathlessly reported every week that the Mueller investigation is coming to an end...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In late February, CNN broke the story that the investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into collusion between President...

Vulnerable Alabama Sen. Doug Jones Dodges Question on Impeaching Trump

'I think I’m just going to hold that one for a little bit...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., knows he holds one of the most at-risk seats in Congress. His refusal to answer a question about impeaching President Donald Trump showed just how great the pressure is to...

Colorado Joins Sour-Grape Blue States’ Bid to End Electoral College

'It’s going to be very difficult to explain... why you’re casting California’s electoral votes against the wishes of a supermajority of Californians in favor of Donald Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Once considered a swing state, increasingly liberal Colorado dove headfirst into the partisan divide by joining a radical effort...
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