Thursday, September 19, 2024


Chaffetz Says ‘Ballot-Harvesting’ is How Calif. Will Steal Elections in 2020

'They are not about election security. They are about election manipulation in 2020...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As last week brought a close to the nearly yearlong dispute over a congressional seat in North Carolina amid claims of ballot fraud, the focus now falls on California, where the very same...

Gun Companies Rebuke NASCAR for Pulling Ads from Program

'They are a sporting organization trying to take sides on a political issue. That never goes well for any company...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Long associated with a blue-collar, conservative-leaning fan base, NASCAR has become the latest casualty in the corporate-pressure campaign to ban Second-Amendment gun rights. The stock-car racing circuit...

Congressmen Want to Halt Nationwide Injunctions by Activist Judges

'A district court in California should not be given sweeping authority to issue a ruling---let alone on dubious legal reasoning---striking down policy from a duly elected President...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two influential conservative congressmen and Trump allies introduced a bill Wednesday to rein in the activist courts that have...

Kamala Claims ‘Happy Warrior’ Persona Despite Prosecutorial Style

'It's just trying to pursue or portray a certain image of herself, as opposed to her authentic self...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) While on the presidential campaign trail, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., has secured a reputation for flip--flopping and Pinocchio-garnering falsehoods about her policy positions. Now, it seems, the misleading backpedals...

Holder Warns 2020 Dems Against Attacking Obama’s Legacy in Debates

'If Democrats are to have any hope of winning next fall, we need our presidential contenders to do better...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As a waning pool of Democratic candidates prepared to take the stage again on Thursday for another debate, former President Barack Obama's top "wingman" took them to...

DEBUNKED: Fake News Claims Victory—Despite Loss—in NC Special Election

'Republicans normally would have been expected to dominate in a district that Trump won...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Media spin on the Republican victory in Tuesday's "bellwether" election for North Carolina's 9th Congressional District proved to be the only thing predictable about the contest between GOP Rep.-elect Dan Bishop and...

NC Voters Furious after Dems’ Redistricting Prevents Vote in Special Election

'There is some onus on the voter...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The well-publicized, high-stakes special election in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District seems to have been a rude awakening for some of its former voters who only now are seeing the effects of Democrat-led gerrymandering forced by the activist courts. Hundreds...

Soros Op-Ed Praising Trump’s China Policy Arouses Heavy Suspicion on Motives

'The greatest—and perhaps only—foreign policy accomplishment of the Trump administration has been the development of a coherent and genuinely bipartisan policy toward Xi Jinping ’s China...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) George Soros, one of the most reviled villains on the political Left, offered surprise praise to President Donald Trump for...

ICE: ‘Sanctuary’ Sheriffs in NC Released Nearly 500 KNOWN Criminal Aliens

'We are so focused on immigration, we have neglected our community...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the end of the fiscal year approaches, Immigration and Customs Enforcement's 2019 data for North Carolina showed that nearly 500 illegal immigrants with detainer requests had been released into the public due to law...

NC Republicans Lose Gerrymandering Court Fight to Eric Holder Strategy

'Thwarted at the U.S. Supreme Court, Holder has turned to state courts with Democratic majorities to... game the redistricting process...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) North Carolina Republicans resigned themselves to permanent Democratic majorities after abandoning a politically charged courtroom fight over partisan gerrymandering in the historically red state. The U.S. Supreme...

Press Dubs Special Election a ‘Bellwether’—But Only If Dem Wins

'Although Democrats already rocketed into the House majority last November, this do-over election means much more for the Republicans, who are desperate to avoid an embarrassing setback...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Less than a year ago, left-wing media feigned shock as Dan McCready, the Democratic candidate in North Carolina's 9th...

Newspaper Calls Out Biden’s Fake War Story, Then Gives Him a Free Pass

'President Trump’s routine falsehoods have changed the standards by which other presidential aspirants, including Biden, should be judged...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed to have offered solace to student survivors of the Parkland, Fla. school massacre---even though it happened after the end of his administration. On...
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