Saturday, September 21, 2024


Could Pelosi Use GOP Quarantines to Push Another Impeachment?

Coronavirus crisis gives Democrats 'a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As more lawmakers---disproportionately on the GOP side---join the ranks who are voluntarily self-quarantining due to the coronavirus pandemic, the question lingers of how far Democrats may go to make hay of their...

Dems Attempt to Smear Rand Paul for Pre-Diagnosis Use of Gym, Pool

'This, America, is absolutely irresponsible...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Democrats' disturbing pattern of coronavirus shaming took an even darker turn after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., announced he had contracted the virus. Left-wingers sought to smear Paul by suggesting that he ignored contagion concerns to use the congressional gym and swimming pool,...

Coronavirus FURTHER Exposes Left’s Deeply Cynical Worldview

'Don’t they understand that they are destroying themselves?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The latest trope to emerge in left-wing media's coverage of the coronavirus is its attempt to frame the partisan divide with broad claims that Republicans are taking the outbreak less seriously than their Democratic counterparts. Meanwhile, the cacophony of...

Ann Arbor Clerk Dispels AOC's Myth that Voter Suppression Cost Bernie Michigan

'I think one thing that isn’t being talked about is the rampant voter suppression in this country...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-N.Y., spread false excuses to explain the devastating collapse of Sen. Bernie Sanders's campaign, MLive reported. After the March 10 little-Super Tuesday primary contests, which included Michigan,...

Sen. Tom Cotton Files Bill to Move Drug Manufacturing Out of China

'The Chinese Communist Party deserves every bit of the blame it’s getting for its malicious response to the outbreak...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., wants American pharmaceuticals made in America, and he’s introduced legislation to make it happen. Like manufacturing, pharmaceutical supply-chains have relocated to China over recent...

O’REILLY: ‘Garbage’ Impeachment to Blame for Delayed Virus Response

'No one paid attention to the virus because of impeachment...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Although he is no longer leading the cable-news airwaves, former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly re-entered the "no spin zone" with an outraged condemnation of the political distractions that allowed the coronavirus to spread. In an appearance...

Lindsey Graham Fights Direct Cash Payments: ‘Throwing Money at the Problem’

'What I want is income, not one check...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and other top Republicans are reportedly pushing President Donald Trump to reject direct monetary payments to Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal was included in the Senate GOP’s $1 trillion stimulus package. In a...

Rep. Collins Rips 2020 Rival Sen. Loeffler for Dumping Stock After Virus Briefing

'Loeffler is profiting off their pain? I'm sickened just thinking about it...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Doug Collins took Sen. Kelly Loeffler to taks on Twitter Friday morning, for dumping millions of dollars in stock after an early Wuhan virus briefing in January. Since then, the stock market has tanked and the...

Ilhan Omar PRAISES Trump’s ‘Incredible’ Response Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

'Unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership. We are seeing that in our country right now...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who has never shied away from attacking President Donald Trump or his administration, praised the president for his “incredible” leadership during the coronavirus pandemic. After Trump announced his administration...

McConnell Defends Fast-Track of Stimulus w/o Dems: ‘Republicans Are the Majority’

'Don’t create controversy where there isn’t controversy...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., defended the GOP’s decision to fast-track its stimulus proposal without consulting Senate Democrats. “The Republicans are in the majority in the Senate,” McConnell told CNN. “We wanted to put forward our proposal," he continued. "We...

Joe Biden Struggles for Cash Amid Wuhan Virus Shutdown

'It’s your health and your finances that are on the line. So writing a check to Joe Biden is not a major priority...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Former Vice President Joe Biden has all but clinched the Democratic Party nomination for president, but the Wuhan coronavirus shutdown has crushed his...

Dems Slip Green New Deal Policies into Economic Stimulus

'They are seizing the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to slip failed green policies into legislation...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) As the Trump administration scrambles to implement an economy-saving stimulus package amid the coronavirus pandemic, congressional Democrats are taking advantage. According to a non-profit energy watchdog, chief among the Left-allied special interest...
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