Saturday, September 21, 2024


Paralyzed GOP Candidate’s Campaign Responds to Rant from Unhinged PBS Reporter

Democrats responding to the uplifting stories from the Republican National Convention have tread a precarious line in their efforts to bash many of the speakers who have triumphed in the face of adversity. The RNC's push for diversity has exposed deep insecurities---or worse, bigotry---in those who had once proclaimed themselves...

BIDEN: Trump ‘Rooting for More Violence’ in Wisconsin

(Headline USA) Joe Biden on Thursday said, without evidence, that President Donald Trump is “rooting for more violence" amid riots in Wisconsin, and that he'd be willing to visit the state himself to try and defuse tensions. “He views this as a political benefit," the Democratic presidential nominee said of Trump on MSNBC...

Pence Calls for End to Violence; ‘You Won’t Be Safe’ Under a President Biden

In a program that seemed thematically focused on the call to fulfill one's duty, Vice President Mike Pence's keynote speech did precisely that. Earlier in the night, Rep. Dan Crenshaw articulated the role that duty played in relation to many of the core American values that the Republican National Convention...

Nat’l Security Chief Grenell: Obama Corruption ‘Made Me Sick to My Stomach’

Already up in arms over the break in protocol by allowing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to speak Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, left-wing partisans and pundits were likely to be vexed even more by Wednesday's speech by national security adviser Richard Grenell. The recently-promoted former ambassador to Germany...

GOP Reps. Challenge Jeff Bezos on Amazon’s Use of SPLC to Vet Charities

House Republicans sent a letter Monday to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos that challenged his company's decision to allow the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center determine which charities qualify for AmazonSmile. At the same time, the Republican National Committee announced that it approved a resolution "refuting the legitimacy of the Southern...

Lindsey Graham to Subpoena FBI’s Former Head of Counterintelligence

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham said he plans to subpoena the FBI’s former head of counterintelligence as part of his investigation into the Russia-Gate hoax. Bill Priestap was a ringleader in the FBI’s "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation into alleged collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia. He allegedly lied to...

Crooked Cop James Comey Claims Barr, Trump Have ‘Damaged’ DOJ

Former FBI Director James Comey claimed in an op-ed for the Washington Post on Wednesday that President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr are leaving a “legacy of damage” to the Justice Department. "The Justice Department was damaged when the attorney general and the president lied to the American people about...

Facebook May Allow Posts That Encourage Sending Multiple Mail-in Ballots

Facebook may not remove election-related posts that encourage voter fraud, as long as the posts contain suggestions or questions instead of clearly false and misleading information, the New York Times reported. This could lead to a policy in which Facebook lets users post that voters should send in their mail-in...

Religious Progressives Air Anti-Trump Ads to Suppress Christian Voter Turnout

Religious progressives have initiated an effort to suppress voter turnout among conservative Christians for President Donald Trump, Religion News Service reported. Anti-Trump Christian groups are running advertisements in swing states to support Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. These ads either condemn Trump for not being sufficiently Christian, or they explicitly endorse Biden...

Place Bets Now: Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron May Be GOP’s Obama (In a Good Way)

It was at Democrats' 2004 convention, when John Kerry accepted the nomination for a largely forgettable campaign to challenge then-popular incumbent George W. Bush that the world first was introduced to an ambitious state senator from Illinois, Barack Obama. Within four years, the apotheosis would be complete, with the then-US...

Falwell Resigns from Liberty University Amid Sex-Scandal Allegations

(Headline USA) Jerry Falwell Jr. announced his resignation Tuesday as the head of Liberty University after a provocative photo and revelations of his wife's extramarital affair roiled the evangelical school founded by his father. Falwell’s exit marks a precipitous fall from power for one of the country’s most visible conservative...

Sore-Loser Hillary Clinton Tells Biden Not to Concede ‘Under Any Circumstances’

While one former First Lady---Michelle Obama---is fond of encouraging her fellow Democrats to take the high road when political opponents are perceived to "go low," another---Hillary Clinton---is telling Democrats to stoop even lower. In a dramatic about-face from her own race against President Donald Trump, the failed 2016 presidential candidate...
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