Thursday, September 19, 2024


Senate Passes Dems’ $3.5T ‘Infrastructure’ Boondoggle in Wee Hours of Morning

(Headline USA) Democrats pushed a $3.5 trillion spending package through the Senate early Wednesday, advancing President Joe Biden’s expansive vision for an even larger, interventionist government just hours after handing him another hefty "infrastructure" package. Lawmakers approved Democrats’ budget resolution on a party-line 50-49 vote. Higher taxes would pay for much of...

Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrant for 52 No-Show Dems

(Headline USA) Thirty days after Democrats left Texas to stop the passage of new election integrity laws, cracks in the standoff widened Tuesday as more began returning home from Washington, D.C., and Republicans again authorized using law enforcement to find those who still refuse to come back. But unlike a month...

Wisc. Republicans Don’t Have Votes to Override Gov.’s Vetoes of Election Integrity Bills

(Headline USA) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers vetoed a series of bills Tuesday passed by the state's Republican-controlled Legislature that would have strengthened the integrity of absentee ballots in the key battleground state. The Democrat also said two Wisconsin counties should not comply with subpoenas to turn over ballots and voting equipment...

House Republican Introduces Impeachment Articles Against DHS Sec. Mayorkas

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., introduced articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his “reckless abandonment” of border security amidst the ongoing immigration crisis. Biggs alleged that Mayorkas has abandoned his duty to secure the border, allowing leftists such as President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris...

Illegal Alien Population Dropped by 440,000 Under Donald Trump

During the first three years of President Donald Trump's leadership, the total illegal alien population in the country fell by 440,000, the Washington Times reported. The progressive Center for Migration Studies estimated in a study that the porous US--Mexico border and the nation's broken immigration system let in 1.75 million...

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Resigns Over Sexual Harassment

(Headline USA) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over a barrage of sexual harassment allegations Tuesday in a fall from grace a year after he was hailed nationally by a sycophantic media, for his detailed daily briefings and leadership during the darkest days of COVID-19. The three-term governor’s decision was announced...

REPORT: Chris Cuomo Still Advising Disgraced Brother Despite Ethical Concerns

CNN’s Chris Cuomo was still actively advising his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, despite ethical concerns about the conflict of interest this creates for his show, according to a report from the Washington Post. The Post stated that Andrew Cuomo---who announced his resignation on Tuesday---had been holed up in...

Vulnerable Dem. Rep. Ron Kind Backs Off Re-Election Bid

With all signs indicating a red wave in the 2022 midterm election---assuming the country still stands---one of the most vulnerable battleground Democrats announced he would not seek re-election. Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wisc., narrowly won his rural, pro-Trump district in the 2020 race. The changing demographics and grim political landscape for his...

RINOs Duped into Thinking ‘Bipartisan’ Infrastructure Bill Protected from Socialist Agenda

The $3.5 trillion spending resolution modeled on the Green New Deal---which Congressional Democrats hope to pass without Republican support---needs the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to achieve its full effect, Breitbart reported. The 18 Republican senators who voted to advance the bipartisan infrastructure bill argue that its passage remains separate...

Wyo. Republicans Vote to NOT Recognize Liz Cheney as Party Member Any More

(Headline USA) Some local Republican Party officials in Wyoming have announced they will no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member because of her vote to impeach Donald Trump. “In the immortal words of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump ...'You’re Fired!'” read recent...

Bipartisan Senate Makes Down Payment on Green New Deal, Passes $1T ‘Infrastructure’ Bill

(Headline USA) With a robust vote after weeks of fits and starts, the Senate approved a $1 trillion infrastructure plan on Tuesday, a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans joining to deliver the appearance of bipartisan support for adding billions of dollars more to the federal deficit, while providing cover for...

More Texas Democrats Return, but Not Enough to End Holdout

(Headline USA) A monthlong standoff by Texas Democrats who left the state to block a GOP voting bill inched closer to ending Monday as several holdouts returned and put Republicans on the brink of having enough lawmakers to push forward once again with an election accountability overhaul. The Texas House of...
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