Thursday, September 19, 2024


Dems Gripe that Redistricting Reforms They Demanded Are Unfair to THEM

(Headline USA) During the 2016 Democratic National Convention, top party leaders and their wealthy patrons first hatched the plot to regain their Obama-era congressional losses by claiming Republicans had an unfair redistricting advantage. Their "sue till blue" efforts helped shift the balance in several areas, including the Philadelphia region, Wisconsin...

Abbott Signs New Texas Election Integrity Measures into Law

(Headline USA) Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed an elections overhaul into law Tuesday that strengthens ballot accountability in the booming state, after Democrats spent months protesting what they say --- without evidence --- are efforts to weaken minority turnout and preserve the GOP's dominance. Abbott signed the sweeping changes during...

Judge Strikes Down ‘Defund Police’ Language on Minneapolis Ballot Initiative

(Headline USA) A judge struck down ballot language Tuesday that aimed to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a new agency, saying the wording was misleading, unworkable, and lacked details necessary for voters to make informed choices. “The court finds that the current ballot language is vague, ambiguous and incapable of...

Here’s the List of Billions in Military Equipment the US Left Behind for the Taliban

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) It’s always frustrating to read about the many ways the federal government wastes our money, from millions spent putting lizards on treadmills to thousands spent on art classes in Kenya. But regular government waste pales in comparison to the appalling reality that the US...

School-Board Members Play Victim as Parents Begin Holding Them Accountable

(Headline USA) A Nevada school board member said he had thoughts of suicide before stepping down amid threats and harassment. In Virginia, a board member resigned over what she saw as politics driving decisions on masks. The vitriol at board meetings in Wisconsin had one member fearing he would find his...

Pennsylvania Senate Panel Begins Gathering Vote-Fraud Evidence for Hearings

(Christen Smith, The Center Square) The Pennsylvania Senate committee tasked with investigating instances of election malfeasance asked residents this week to submit their testimony for its review. Intergovernmental Operations Committee Chairman Cris Dush, R-Wellsboro, said residents should submit their stories only if they are willing to sign an affidavit and...

CHINA: Climate Talks Will Stall Unless US Complies w/ Litany of Demands

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.S. climate envoy John Kerry that the Chinese Communist Party will not comply with the Biden administration's environmental agenda unless America submits to China's foreign policy demands, the Epoch Times reported. "China--U.S. climate cooperation cannot be separated from the wider environment of the Sino--U.S....

More than 30 Calif. Kids Abandoned in Afghanistan by Biden Withdrawal

(Headline USA) More than 30 California children are stuck in Afghanistan after they traveled to the country to see their relatives weeks before the Taliban seized power. They were unable to get out before U.S. forces left, according to school districts where the kids are enrolled. Officials with three school districts---one...

Manchin Calls for ‘Strategic Pause’ on Democrats’ Spending Spree

(Headline USA) Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Thursday that Congress should take a “strategic pause” on more spending. He also warned that he does not support President Joe Biden's plans for a sweeping $3.5 trillion budget that drastically expands the definition of infrastructure and would push already painful inflation past...

Think-Tank Tied to Obama’s CIA Chief Lays Cover for Calif. Recall Steal

With California's print-at-home ballots breaking heavily for Democrats, leftist media gaslighters have proceeded to ignore the suspicious circumstances in a bid to normalize systemic vote fraud. A recent suppression poll by a so-called nonpartisan think tank with ties to a former Obama-era CIA director appeared perfectly timed to lay cover...

‘1619 Project’ Creator Launching School Dedicated to Critical Race Theory in Iowa

New York Times fabulist Nikole Hannah--Jones launched a school specifically dedicated to the debunked 1619 Project and the study of black history through the prism of Marxist-inspired constructs like Critical Race Theory. The 1619 Freedom School is not affiliated with the 1619 Project but its Black History literacy curriculum is...

Raffensperger Files FOIA Request for DOJ’s Contact w/ Stacey Abrams, Activist Groups

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking access to the correspondence between Justice Department officials and activist organizations that supported Stacey Abrams’s crusade against election integrity. The records request specifically mentions communications between Abrams, a failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate, and several leftist groups,...
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