Friday, September 20, 2024


Hunter Biden Still Has $464K in China-Linked Firm That Allegedly Funds Slavery

President Joe Biden promised the American people that he and his family members would rescind their foreign investments, but his son, Hunter Biden, reportedly has nearly a half million dollars invested in a Chinese company. These financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party appeared only a few days after new...

US is Increasing Pentagon Budget by $37B Despite Leaving Afghanistan. Why?

(Hannah Cox, Foundation for Economic Education) After 20 years and over $2 trillion dollars, the Afghanistan War is finally over. Does that mean our massive defense budget will finally be trimmed? Nope. Congress is actually on the verge of passing an increase to the Pentagon’s budget, preparing to allocate $740 billion for...

MCAULIFFE: ‘I Don’t Think Parents Should Be Telling Schools What They Should Teach’

(Headline USA) Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin clashed Tuesday evening over vaccinations, tax policy, education and their respective records in the second and final debate in Virginia's closely watched gubernatorial election. McAuliffe raised eyebrows among those who seek to hold public schools and their leaders accountable when he said...

Trump Endorses Former TV News Anchor Kari Lake for Ariz. Governor

(Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed former television broadcaster Kari Lake in the Republican race for Arizona governor. Trump retains a strong following among many Republicans and his endorsement catapults the former news anchor into clear frontrunner status in the crowded GOP primary field. Lake is a political newcomer...

Democrat Wisc. Gov. Calls GOP-Ordered Election Probe a ‘Boondoggle’

(Headline USA) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday blasted a Republican-ordered investigation into the 2020 presidential election as a “$700,000 boondoggle” and said election clerks should be “lawyered up." After an election audit in Arizona that uncovered reams of evidence of illegal voting, Republicans have focused their attention on Wisconsin and other...

Top Dem Rejects Pelosi’s ‘Arcane’ Plan to Boost Debt Cap w/ No GOP Votes

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, rejected his party’s plan to raise the federal debt limit via reconciliation. “That is a non-starter. Using reconciliation is a non-starter,” he said when asked about the plan this week. Durbin said he and several other Democrats share concerns about...

Ga. Surveillance Vid Shows 24 People Dropped 19,000 Absentee Ballots in ZuckerBox

A former US congressman alleged that surveillance footage from one Georgia county showed only 24 people dropping off absentee ballots at an unmanned dropbox, even though it recorded 19,000 ballots received. "ver Columbus Weekend, a three-day weekend, 19,000 votes were counted," former Rep. Jack Kingston told Newsmax on Tuesday, as...

Sen. Cotton Presses Woke Gen. Milley: ‘Why Haven’t You Resigned?’

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., pressed Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley on why he has not resigned in the wake of the military’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left hundreds of Americans stranded in the terrorist-controlled region and cost the lives of 13 U.S. service members. Milley revealed during...

POLL: Biden’s Disapproval Rating Reaches ANOTHER New Milestone

According to a Rasmussen Reports' daily presidential tracking poll, President Joe Biden's disapproval rating on Tuesday had rocketed upward to 58%, the highest by far at any point during his tenure, Newsmax reported. A separate poll by Axios and Ipsos revealed that 53% of Americans have "little or no trust"...

Milley Defends Calls to Chinese at End of Trump Presidency

(Associated Press) The top U.S. military officer told Congress on Tuesday that he knew former President Donald Trump wasn't planning to attack China and that it was his job to reassure the Chinese of that fact in phone calls that have triggered outrage from some lawmakers. Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman...

Defense Sec. Austin Deflects on Afghan Withdrawal Disaster; Blames Failed Nation-Building

(Associated Press) In his first congressional testimony on the tumultuous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday defended the military's execution of a frantic airlift from Kabul and asserted it will be “difficult but absolutely possible” to contain future threats from Afghanistan without troops on the ground. Speaking...

Senate Republicans Block Attempt to Expand Debt, But Dems Will Try Again

(Associated Press) Republican senators blocked a bill to keep the government operating and allow federal borrowing, but Democrats aiming to avert a shutdown pledged to try again — at the same time pressing ahead on President Joe Biden’s big plans to reshape government. The efforts are not necessarily linked, but the...
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