Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Flush w/ COVID Cash, States Rush to Cut Taxes for Biden Inflation Victims

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) States across the country are cutting taxes as they collect more income-tax revenue while inflation surges, Just the News reported. Collectively, states have received half a trillion dollars in federal COVID-19 relief since 2020, and they brought in roughly 19% more tax revenue from March 2021...

Ex-NBA Star Plans GOP Challenge to Ilhan Omar

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Royce White, a former professional basketball player, said on Twitter that he is running in the Republican congressional primary for a chance to remove radical Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from her Minneapolis-area seat. "We are in a crisis. We are at war," White said. "Our sovereignty...

US Official Admits Russia Has Had Troops in Disputed Ukraine Region for Years

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A U.S. senior administration official confirmed that Moscow has maintained forces in the Donbas region of Ukraine for nearly a decade, despite assertions from the Biden administration that a move into that area by Russian troops amounts to an invasion. "Russian troops moving into Donbas would...

Two High-Profile Conservatives Plan to Join Texas Freedom Convoy

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Two names popular among conservatives have said they will be joining a convoy of truckers planning to drive across Texas next week. Lt. Col. Allen West, who is currently running for Texas governor, and rocker Ted Nugent will be joining the American Truckers Freedom Convoy/Frontline Truckers, the...

CRUZ: Biden ‘Directly Responsible’ If Russia Annexes Ukraine

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, claimed that President Joe Biden will be "directly responsible" for Russia's annexation of the Ukraine, the Western Journal reported. Biden and his comrade Kamala Harris have had some nasty words for Russian President Vladimir Putin in recent weeks, working themselves up into...

Biden Dumps 16,000 Afghan ‘Translators’ in Loudoun County; Most Don’t Speak English

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) The Biden administration intends to filter at least 16,000 Afghan "refugees" through the National Conference Center in Loudoun County, Virginia, by September, according to a press release from the Loudon County Sheriff's Office. The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Protective Service claim that the Afghans...

Biden Sees Double-Digit Drops in Black Support

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Nothing shows the vulnerability of the Democrats better than President Joe Biden's precipitous drop in black support---a key constituency that Democrats need to hold on to the White House and Congress. Welp, for starters…. He’s a #Racist..!! Blacks Saying Bye-Bye to Biden https://t.co/JymgkDDu3e — Real NYPD Blue @Detective4Life...

Democrat Rep. Ready to Punish Any Peaceful U.S. Trucker Protest

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) For anyone scoffing at the tyranny of Canada’s martial law crackdown on peaceful protestors, with a dismissive shrug that it could surely never happen in America, consider the latest yammering from Democrats champing at the bit for a chance to flex some monarchial muscle. On reports that...

NYC Mayor Admits Vax Mandate Worthless, Vows to Keep It in Place

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) In a move that perfectly encapsulates the leftist lunacy over COVID restrictions, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has admitted that his despotic vaccine mandate is utterly ineffective and, in the same breath, pledged to keep it in place. And he’s going to continue firing city...

Biden’s Blundering Response to Russia Incursion of Ukraine Raises Concerns

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) After already stumbling through one press conference where he confusingly conceded approval for a minor incursion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden on Tuesday mumbled his way through another disturbingly disjointed speech in the wake of Russia launching a Ukrainian incursion. “To put it simply, Russia just announced...

Panicked Left Using Old Tactics to Try to Derail Durham Probe

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) The Left is reviving old tactics from Bill Clinton-era Whitewater scandal in a panicked attempt to prevent the public from knowing the full scope of the Russia-collusion hoax, according to a report in Just the News. During the 1990s investigation into the Clintons' role in the...

People’s Convoy Raises Concerns about Possible US Crackdown

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) The People's Convoy---a collection of at least 1,000 truckers who plan to depart from California for Washington, DC, on Feb. 23---has warned that their group could face the same draconian response that has recently greeted the Canadian truckers' Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. “The convoy is going...
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