Sunday, October 6, 2024


Trump Cuts Remaining US Dues Payment to WHO

(Headline USA) The Trump administration said Wednesday it won't pay more than $60 million in dues it owes to the World Health Organization and will use the money instead to pay down other contributions to the United Nations. The announcement came just a day after the White House announced the U.S....

CDC: COVID Vaccine Ready to Distribute by Nov. 1

(Headline USA) The federal government has told states to prepare for a coronavirus vaccine to be ready to distribute by Nov. 1. The timeline raised alarm among left-wingers about an “October surprise"---a vaccine approval driven by political considerations ahead of a presidential election, rather than science. Democrats have insisted since the...

ERNST: We Should Be ‘So Skeptical’ of COVID-19 Numbers

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, suggested this week that she believes the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths has been overstated, and she urged voters to remain skeptical too. "These healthcare providers and others are reimbursed at a higher rate if COVID is tied to it, so what do you think...

Florida Set to Lift Ban on Nursing Home Visits as COVID Outlook Improves

(Headline USA) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Tuesday that he will lift the state’s ban on visiting nursing homes that has cut off vulnerable seniors from family since mid-March over fears of spreading the coronavirus. With his voice cracking at times, he wondered aloud if the actions might have contributed...

NYTimes: Vast Majority of COVID Cases Likely NOT Contagious

Nearly 90 percent of all coronavirus diagnoses in the U.S. were more than likely not contagious, according to a recent report by the New York Times. Researchers found the vast majority of individuals who had tested positive for COVID-19 potentially carried such “insignificant” amounts of the virus that they weren’t...

CDC Flip-Flops on Testing Guidance After Backlash

Just a few days after quietly changing its guidance on COVID-19 testing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flip-flopped once again and said those who do not show any coronavirus symptoms should still be tested. The CDC revised its testing guidance on Monday, limiting test to only those who...

DOJ to Investigate Nursing Home Deaths in Four Democrat-Run States

The Department of Justice launched an investigation into Democratic-run states that experienced disproportionately high rates of deaths from COVID-19 within nursing homes, The Epoch Times reported. "Protecting the rights of some of society’s most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country’s most important obligations," said...

YouTube’s Algorithms Remove ‘Millions of Videos’ That Do Not Violate Any Policies

YouTube's content removal policy has been to ban first, review later. But that approach has led them to a situation in which they are reinstating more than half of appealed content, Reclaim the Net reported. Google, which owns YouTube, said the increase in wrongful banning is happening because artificial intelligence...

Corrupt WHO Expands ‘Social Listening’ Operations to Censor COVID Skeptics

The World Health Organization announced in a press release titled "Immunizing the public against misinformation" that it is partnering with an analytics corporation to develop a "social listening" program. The social listening program will look through social media posts to root out "coronavirus misinformation," Reclaim The Net reported. Already, the WHO...

CDC: COVID Spurs Spike in Suicidal Thoughts; 4 in 10 Report Mental-Health Issues

Business shutdowns and house-arrest orders stemming from the coronavirus have caused a significant spike in self-reported mental-health disorders, The Epoch Times reported. In the June survey, 10% of respondents said they had considered killing themselves in the past month. In a 2018 survey, 1 in 20 people---only 5%---had contemplated suicide. The...

Fauci Hesitant to Rush COVID Vaccine Due to Safety Concerns

As the development of a coronavirus vaccine ramps up, some health experts are warning that distributing the vaccine too soon could harm the public. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is one of the scientific professionals concerned about how quickly the vaccine is being developed and tested. He told...

Ex-Planned Parenthood Worker: ‘Did You Know Abortion Even Had a Smell?’

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson waged a withering attack Tuesday against abortion supporters who were too quick to abstractify the ghastly process. During her segment at the Republican National Convention she recounted in horrific detail the event that prompted her to leave her job at Planned Parenthood and switch sides. Johnson, the...
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