Friday, June 28, 2024


FIRST LADY: Barron Also Tested Positive for COVID, Showed No Symptoms

(Headline USA) After months of enduring attacks from left-wing critics who claimed he had misled the public with an overly rosy picture of the coronavirus, President Donald Trump put his money where his mouth is. Trump has advocated vociferously for schools to reopen, citing statistics that show little risk of...

Cuomo Blames GOP, NYPost for Fueling Scandal over His COVID Nursing-Home Massacre

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed Republicans and the New York Post for the controversy surrounding his deadly policy of forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients. In his new memoir, American Crisis, Cuomo acknowledged the impact the coronavirus outbreak has had on his state’s nursing homes, but he denied...

Colo. Nursing-Home Residents Protest Lockdowns: ‘Rather Die from COVID Than Loneliness’

More than 20 nursing-home residents in Greeley, Colorado, gathered outside the facility this week to protest the state’s coronavirus restrictions, arguing that they would rather risk catching the virus than be separated from their loved ones. Nursing Home Residents In Greeley Protest COVID-19 Restrictions https://t.co/DMCjlzmMxL pic.twitter.com/0Gzk2dxSsU — CBSDenver (@CBSDenver) October 9,...

Dems’ Scare Tactics About Obamacare in Barrett Hearings are Unfounded

(Headline USA) To hear Democrats tell it, a Supreme Court with President Donald Trump's nominee Amy Coney Barrett could quickly get rid of the law that gives more than 20 million Americans health insurance coverage. But that's not the inevitable outcome of a challenge the court will hear Nov. 10, just...

Top WHO Official: Stop ‘Using Lockdowns’ to Control COVID

A top official at the World Health Organization urged world leaders to stop “using lockdowns” as the “primary control method” when fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Studies have shown that the lockdowns many countries adopted to stop the spread of COVID-19 have resulted in hundreds of thousands of job losses, plunging...

Conservatives Protest Texas Gov. Abbott’s Lockdowns and Mask Mandate

(Headline USA) Citizens and leaders from the conservative wing of the Texas Republican Party on Saturday continued their backlash against Gov. Greg Abbott's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. State party chairman Allen West, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller and some GOP lawmakers were among an estimated 200 people gathered outside...

Thousands of Epidemiologists, Health Experts Demand End to COVID Lockdown

Thousands of epidemiologists, doctors and health experts published a letter this week calling for a return to normalcy for everyone besides those severely at risk for the coronavirus. COVID-19 is proven to only seriously affect the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, said the letter, which was signed by more...

WATCH: Physicians in Congress Defend Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine

Several GOP representatives who are also doctors pushed back on criticism of Operation Warp Speed (OPS), a multi-agency wide effort to develop and deliver a coronavirus vaccine, and urged Americans to trust the process. OPS is a public--private partnership that relies on federal research dollars to supplement and accelerate private...

YouTube, Vimeo Censor Video of Ohio Hospital Denying Care to Premature Infants

Editor's note: Video may be upsetting or disturbing to some viewers. YouTube and Vimeo censored a video posted by a pro-life group that showed never-before-seen footage of two premature infants being denied care at an Ohio hospital. The video showed the babies’ mother, Amanda Finnefrock, in the delivery room at Riverside...

Trump Hails Experimental Treatment for His Recovery; ‘I Feel Like, Perfect’

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump credited an experimental drug treatment with helping his recovery from COVID-19 and suggested his diagnosis could be a “blessing in disguise" in the nation's battle against the pandemic. In a new White House video posted Wednesday evening, Trump said his illness had shed light on an...

Michigan Health Chief Scoffs at State Supreme Court Ruling, Cites ‘Broad’ Lockdown Authority

(Headline USA) Michigan's health chief said Tuesday he has “broad” legal authority to enforce draconian lockdown demands under the state's emergency regulations, despite a recent court ruling that struck down the Nazi-era law cited by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Robert Gordon, director of the state Department of Health and Human Services,...

Trump Reports ‘No Symptoms’ as He Recovers from Virus

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump is said to be making progress in his recovery from COVID-19, and tweeted his eagerness to return to the campaign trail. As Trump convalesced out of sight in the White House on Tuesday, the administration defended the protections it has put in place to protect the staff...
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