Thursday, September 19, 2024


POLL: Majority of Americans Think Those Refusing Vax Shouldn’t Lose Jobs

(Casey Harper, The Center Square) New polling on President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate shows the majority of Americans do not think unvaccinated workers should lose their jobs. Convention of States Action released the poll Wednesday, which reports that 65% of surveyed voters “do not believe Americans should lose their jobs...

AT&T to Require Vaccines for 90,000 of Its Union Workers

(Headline USA) AT&T has become one of the largest employers in the U.S. to mandate vaccines for a significant number of frontline workers. The telecom company said Wednesday that its employees in the Communications Workers of America union will be required to be fully vaccinated by Feb. 1, “unless they...

Psaki Won’t Recognize Economic Reality Because She Thinks It’s Mean

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) Ayn Rand famously quipped, “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s latest viral flub seems perfectly calibrated to confirm the late author’s wise words. At a Monday press conference, Psaki was confronted by journalists...

The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal

(Ron Paul Institute) Following revelations that Federal Reserve officials made trades in financial assets while the Fed was taking extraordinary efforts to “stimulate” the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell ordered a review of the Fed’s ethics rules. While these trades appear problematic, they pale in comparison to the biggest Fed...

Vaccine Mandates Drive Staffing Shortages for Hospitals, Medical Facilities

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Federal and state COVID-19 vaccine mandates are exacerbating a nursing shortage in California. The recent federal mandate requires health care workers at Medicare- and Medicaid-funded hospitals to take the COVID-19 vaccines or the facilities where they work would lose federal funding. The order has resulted in...

STUDY: Why Californians are Leaving the State in Droves

(Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square) Results from the 2020 census showed California’s population losses led to the state shedding a member of Congress for the first time since inception. The California Department of Finance announced in May that California’s population fell for the first time, dropping by more than 182,000 people in...

Fed Chair Admits Biden Inflation Is Worse than Expected

(Headline USA) Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is preparing to tell Congress that the current spike in U.S. inflation has proven to be larger and more long-lasting than expected. But, in remarks prepared for delivery Tuesday, he says that if inflation does not abate, the Fed is ready to use...

Another Debt Ceiling Hike Won’t Fix What’s Broken

(Clint Siegner, Money Metals News Service) Washington DC politicians are busy cobbling together yet another bi-partisan bill to raise the federal borrowing limit. Congress imposed the debt ceiling on itself in 1917. Democrats and Republicans have worked together to circumvent it ever since. Borrowing and spending more money is one area where politicians...

WTF Happened in 1971? Economic Indicators Worsen Since End of Gold Standard

(Jon Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education) In mid August, Twitter Founder and CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted a strange hashtag: #WTFHappenedin1971. #wtfhappenedin1971 — jack⚡️ (@jack) August 15, 2021 A few weeks later, Edward Snowden, the CIA subcontractor turned whistleblower who revealed the NSA’s unlawful mass surveillance program, shared a similar post. "Why Aren't Millennials Buying...

Biden Could Owe More Than $500K in Back Taxes

President Joe Biden could owe more than $500,000 in back taxes, according to a new report published by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. In 2019, it was discovered that Biden exploited a tax loophole that allowed him to avoid paying Medicare taxes for years before he took office. Government documents from...

Banks Band Together to Oppose Biden’s IRS Plan to Snoop on Private Accounts

President Joe Biden and his administration face heavy criticism as they push a plan to give the Internal Revenue Service permission to delve into private bank accounts, Fox News reported. The plan requires banks and other financial institutions to report all inflows and outflows of over $600 to the IRS. The...

Biden Admin Disobeys Judge’s Order; Drags Feet on Oil, Gas Leases

(Bob Pepalis, The Center Square) The Biden administration is delaying lease sales of federal lands for oil and gas exploration even after a court order, the head of the Western Energy Alliance said. President Joe Biden banned oil and gas lease sales by directing the U.S. Department of the Interior to...
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