Thursday, March 6, 2025


Daily Wire Plans to Rival Disney w/ Alternative Programming for Kids

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Daily Wire announced plans to launch alternative children's programming as the Walt Disney Company's machinations are revealed, the Post Millennial reported. Daily Wire Co-CEO Jeremey Boreing announced the project, suggesting that his programming won't be inspired by LGBT activism like Disney's. "Americans have enormous economic might,...

Rabbis Denounce Disney’s Plan to Foist LGBT Programming onto Kids

(John Ransom, Headline USA) A coalition of 2,000 Jewish Orthodox rabbis sent out a statement today denouncing Disney’s newest plan to integrate gay characters into its entertainment. Andy Vermaut shares:Disney has betrayed the very values that were responsible for its success, Orthodox rabbis warn: A coalition that represents more than 2,000...

Enes Kanter Freedom Says NBA is Blackballing Him Over Anti-China Comments

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Former Boston Celtics star Enes Kanter Freedom, a Swiss-born Turkish national who so loved the USA that he changed his name when he became a US citizen, said he is being blackballed from the NBA because of his anti-Chinese communist comments denouncing the Beijing regime for...

Buzz Builds over Mel Gibson’s Sequel to ‘Passion of the Christ’

In 2004, Hollywood maverick Mel Gibson released what was then the biggest Biblical film of all time, The Passion of the Christ. In fact, The Passion is one of the highest grossing R-rated films of all time. After 2023, however, that fact may no longer be true. According to...

Catholic Priest Responds to Biden’s Pro-Abortion Presidency with Confession Schedule

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Father Dan Beeman, a Catholic Priest in Virginia, responded to a tweet about President Joe Biden's pro-abortion comments with his church's schedule for confession, the Daily Wire reported. Confessions are at noon on Sunday, 5pm on Wednesday, and 3 on Saturday, Mr. President. https://t.co/7lUg6U3f15 — Father Dan...

UN Labor Agency Speaks Out Against China’s Slavery of Uyghurs

(Headline USA) An annual report from the United Nations labor agency Friday highlighted the work conditions of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China's Xinjiang region, noting signs of “coercive measures” that deprive workers of free choice in selecting jobs. It also called on Beijing to provide more information about...

Black Jew Whoopi Goldberg Forced to Apologize for Saying Holocaust Wasn’t about Race

(Headline USA) Comedian and activist Whoopi Goldberg has apologized for saying the Holocaust was not about race, comments that caused a backlash. Goldberg, a cohost of ABC's "The View," made the initial comments during Monday morning's broadcast. Her apology came in a tweet hours later. “On today's show, I said the...

Mississippi Mayor Withholds Library Funds over LGBT Books

(Headline USA) The director of a Mississippi library system says a mayor is withholding $110,000 from his city’s library because LGBT books are on the shelves. Tonja Johnson, executive director of the Madison County Library System, told news outlets that Ridgeland Mayor Gene McGee received citizen complaints about a handful...

Michigan Settles w/ Faith Agencies as Courts Block Effort to Force LGBT Adoptions

(Headline USA) Faith-based adoption agencies that contract with the state of Michigan can refuse to place children with same-sex couples under a proposed settlement filed in federal court Tuesday, months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for a Catholic charity in a similar case. The state's scandal-plagued Department of Health...

March for Life Returns to DC w/ Many Optimistic about ‘Roe’ Reversal

(Headline USA) The largest pro-life rally in the U.S. returned Friday with thousands of expected participants converging on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Supporters at the 48th annual rally were cautiously optimistic that their top objective---reversing the Supreme Court's controversial Roe vs. Wade decision---may be within reach. “My hopes have...

SCOTUS Set to Hear Case on Boston’s Christian Flag Censorship

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments in Shurtleff v. City of Boston, a case in which the Boston City Hall refused to fly a Christian flag outside its building, despite having flown a rainbow LGBTQ flag during Boston Pride Month, Conservative Brief reported. Boston city...

Pfizer Chief Albert Bourla Wins $1M Prize for ‘Commitment to Jewish Values’

(Headline USA) Albert Bourla, chairman and chief executive of global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., was awarded on Wednesday the prestigious Genesis Prize for his efforts in leading the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. It comes even as the efficacy and safety of the vaccines is being called into question and...
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