Monday, September 23, 2024


FBI Agent Who Destroyed Evidence to Indict GOP Sen. May Get Wrist-Slap

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) With his sentencing scheduled for Thursday, disgraced FBI agent Robert Cessario seeks probation for illegally destroying evidence related to the prosecution of a former Republican Arkansas state senator—but critics say prison time is necessary to fight corruption in the federal justice system. Cessario’s crime stems from the...

Biden’s FDA Greenlights Pharmacies to Peddle Abortion Pills

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) In yet another attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration's Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday decreed that chain drugstores can now directly peddle abortion pills over the counter to clients looking to kill their unborn babies. FDA officials ruled...

‘House Squatter’ McCarthy Draws Rebuke for Occupying Speaker’s Office, Claims Trump Still Backs Him

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Following on the heels of three tumultuous rounds of U.S. House votes that ended Tuesday with an adjournment and no speaker, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., lobbed a social media grenade at embattled Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R- Calif., for occupying the speaker’s office without being duly elected...

‘FBI Belly Button’ Pops in Latest Twitter File, Reveals More Big Tech, Regime Collusion

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The latest Twitter Files release landed Tuesday with another bombshell, revealing more sinister links between government officials and Big Tech leftists and expanding on the intricate and widespread collusion and collaboration that propelled the FBI into a de facto social media clearing house for demands to...

Nation Faces Litany of Voter-Law Changes as Soros’s Sec. of State Plan Pays Off

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) America faces a litany of legal changes to its voting system as the result of the cosmopolitan oligarch George Soros's Secretary of State takeover plan in the 2022 election. State legislatures have not even met yet, and, at a minimum, 100 bills altering election integrity have...

Woke Attack on Kirk Cameron’s Christian Story Hour Backfires

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Actor Kirk Cameron's debut story hour for his Christian storybook -- a healthy alternative to the degenerate drag queen story hour -- that took place at the Indianapolis Public Library brought a huge crowd of people tired of the woke nonsense. Video footage of the event showed...

Portland Baby-Murderers Vandalize Pro-Life Billboard

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Radical abortion activists from Portland showed their true colors once again by vandalizing a pro-life billboard in the northeastern part of the town with the words "KILL THEM KIDS" and "X" signs over a photographed baby's eyes spray painted over the sign. The billboard showed an...

UPDATE: House Adjourns w/out Electing Speaker

UPDATE:The U.S. House adjourned Thursday night without electing a speaker, after three rounds of contentious voting that left Republicans fractured in their support of Rep. Kevin McCarthy. https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/1610226564318347265 The embattled McCarthy drew only 203 votes in two rounds of balloting, and slipped further in a third round, losing 20 votes, in...

Trump Hints at Third-Party Run for ’24 Campaign

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) After having already reshaped and invigorated the GOP with the America First, MAGA brand, former President Donald Trump is once again making moves to possibly shake up the party. Trump last week shared an article that speculated about him launching a third-party, 2024 presidential run to thwart...

Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired on Heels of Epstein Lawsuit, Biden Visit

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Albert Bryan has fired the territory’s attorney general, Denise George, days after she filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for allegedly helping deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein finance his human trafficking network. Bryan’s move also comes on the heels of a President Joe...

Concerns Grow over Depopulationist Plan to Vaccinate Food Supply

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Genetically-modified-corn aficionado Bill Gates and his friends in their global cabal are now promoting the widespread vaccination of animals in order to sanitize the world's food supply. Specifically, Gates and his friends want to give livestock the mRNA-altering COVID jabs, which have reportedly killed numerous people and...

McConnell to Host Biden at Ky. Event Celebrating Massive Spending Bill

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. R-Ky., will host President Joe Biden and his other leftist allies to celebrate the passage of the massive infrastructure bill and the subsequent state projects that will soon get underway, NBC News reported. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, another RINO, will join...
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