Thursday, September 19, 2024


Endangered Dem Sen. McCaskill Shows True Colors on Guns, Obama in Secret Video

'She has a bunch of Republican voters … They’re not going to look into it. They’re just not...' (Ben Sellers) On the heels of its major investigative series into the corrupt “resistance” forces of socialists embedded within the federal bureaucracy, James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have gone beyond the beltway...

NBC Distorts Trump’s Praise of Gen. Robert E. Lee

'As usual, dishonest reporting. Even mainstream media embarrassed!' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Some see Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee as a man of exemplary valor and honor who has been the unfortunate victim of activists' efforts to prosecute the past. Others see Lee as a brilliant military tactician whose personal ethics...

Pocahontas Says DNA Test Confirms Her Indian Heritage – Many Moons Ago

'The inherent imprecision of the six-page DNA analysis could provide fodder for Warren’s critics...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A self-released DNA test from Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has revealed that she is anywhere from 0.09 to 1.56 percent Native American. According to a 2014 New York Times article on the largest...

Why Did Fauxcahontas Exempt Self from Massachusetts’ Voluntary ‘Fair Share’ Tax?

'The fake Indian wants to raise your taxes, but she doesn’t want to pay anything extra herself, except in election years...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) For most people---even in the taxation mecca of Massachusetts---a 5.1 percent income tax is more than plenty. But just in case an members of the Kennedy...

‘Fake News’ Orgs Seethe Over Trump Op-Ed

'I do not think the president of the United States has absolute access to media....' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) To see President Donald Trump this week delving into so heady an issue as Medicare reform, not over Twitter, but in the op-ed section of a mainstream newspaper, may have been...

Grieving Meghan McCain Heaps Praise on Dems in Return to ‘The View’

'We can never surrender to what is happening in the country right now...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After more than a month on leave of absence following her father's passing, Meghan McCain, daughter of Sen. John McCain, made a poignant return to her regular seat as a co-host of "The...

Trump’s Three October Miracles Should Qualify Him for GOP ‘Sainthood’

'He’s a big fat hammer fending off a razor-sharp dagger...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the Catholic church, it takes three miracles for a holy person to achieve sainthood. While President Donald Trump himself would likely admit that he's no angel, his week on Capitol Hill certainly qualifies him for beatification...

N.C. Dem. Spokesman’s 5-Year-Old Tweets Called Out for Misogyny and Hypocrisy

'What is ironic is that claiming the exact opposite of Judge Kavanaugh and his high school yearbook from more than three decades ago. Their hypocrisy is stunning...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The conclusion of an FBI investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh seemed to lay to rest nearly a...

Lawsuit Seeks Details on FBI Informant’s Contracts to Infiltrate Trump Campaign

'Americans want to know if the Defense Department was working with the corrupt FBI, DOJ and other Obama agencies to spy on Donald Trump in an attempt to destroy his reputation...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Government accountability watchdog Judicial Watch hopes to shed light on another mystery surrounding the sting...

Anthem Kneeler Eric Reid Wears #IMWITHKAP Shirt to First Panthers Practice

'This has been happening since my people have gotten here...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) For some football fans in Charlotte, the signing of safety Eric Reid may literally be a case of adding insult to injury. The former San Francisco 49er, who famously flanked quarterback Colin Kaepernick while kneeling during the...

CNN’s Tapper Tells Colbert He’s ‘Heard from Men Enough’

Liberal TV hosts bash Sen. Lindsey Graham as 'Trump's wingman'... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) By all credible accounts, CNN anchor Jake Tapper and CBS late-night host Stephen Colbert have both X and Y chromosomes--and all the biological attributes that go with them. As far as we know, both of the left-leaning...

Liberals Hope for 1992 Reboot in Gender-Based Political Strategy

While the first “Year of the Woman” had to do with identity politics, however, this one must recontextualize it for the new #MeToo era... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Liberals love reboots. In his “Rules for Radicals,” a handbook for radical leftist activism embraced by many Democratic leaders, the second rule Saul...
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