Thursday, September 19, 2024


AOC’s Racist Hand Sign, Stalinist Rhetoric Fuel Questions on Motives

'The Bronx Democrat is the last person qualified to accuse someone else of dredging up hidden signals of racism...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-NY, continued Thursday to add fodder to the widespread speculation about her motives---even recent online rumors that she may be a racist in disguise. On...

Scott Walker Raising Funds to Oppose Eric Holder’s Gerrymandering Ploy

'There is no legal strategy the Democrats won’t try in order to litigate their way into power...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the first casualties of Obama operatives' bid to redistribute political power through court-forced redistricting, former Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wisc., now hopes to raise money to counter the...

JORDAN: Mueller’s Prosecutors May Have Departed Because of Their Biases

'I think people should view with some skepticism the notion that gets breathlessly reported every week that the Mueller investigation is coming to an end...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In late February, CNN broke the story that the investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into collusion between President...

Vulnerable Alabama Sen. Doug Jones Dodges Question on Impeaching Trump

'I think I’m just going to hold that one for a little bit...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., knows he holds one of the most at-risk seats in Congress. His refusal to answer a question about impeaching President Donald Trump showed just how great the pressure is to...

Colorado Joins Sour-Grape Blue States’ Bid to End Electoral College

'It’s going to be very difficult to explain... why you’re casting California’s electoral votes against the wishes of a supermajority of Californians in favor of Donald Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Once considered a swing state, increasingly liberal Colorado dove headfirst into the partisan divide by joining a radical effort...

CAIR’s Use of Tragedy to Quiet Critics Leads to Uneasy Alliance w/ Mosque Shooter

'Leftist and Islamic groups have been trying for years to silence all criticism ... and in the New Zealand massacre they see the best chance...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a 74-page manifesto posted by the Australian man charged with killing 50 people Friday in two attacks on New Zealand...

Kasich Agency Tasked w/ Cutting Gov’t Regs Instead Caused Backlog

'They got caught up in the bureaucracy trying to cut the bureaucracy...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) An Ohio agency put in place by then-Gov. John Kasich to reduce government inefficiency instead became part of the problem. It may be an appropriate symbol, in some ways, of the flip-flopping Kasich's transformation from...

SPLC Ousts Co-Founder Dees amid Claims of Racism, Misconduct

'You know, it’s sort of like the pot calling the kettle black...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Following hushed allegations of "misconduct," Morris Dees, one of the iconic co-founders of the Southern Poverty Law Center was fired Wednesday. "ur work is about the cause, not the person," wrote SPLC President Richard Cohen...

Cuomo Punishes NY Student-Athletes to Protest Defunct NC Bathroom Law

'North Carolina welcomes all people, and student--athletes shouldn’t be used as political pawns...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Not long ago, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo found a way to blame his state's $2.3 billion budget shortfall on the federal tax-regulation overhaul supported by President Donald Trump in 2017. Now, the king...

Kids’ Green New Deal Activism Part of Coordinated Shakedown

'A lot of terrified, indoctrinated kids skipping school to serve as props in political, and legal, campaigns...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Few believed that the Sunrise Movement's use of children to aggressively lobby Congress on behalf of the Green New Deal was the youngsters' own idea. What may not have been...

Western Caucus Condemns Obama’s Massive Land Grab

'It is clear to us that our hopes, our lives, our investments and our existence have been relegated to an acceptable level of collateral loss...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the twilight days of his presidency, Barack Obama decreed by executive order a massive land-grab to assert federal control over...

Advisers Say de Blasio Would Be ‘F***ing Insane’ to Run for President

'The strongest advocate for a de Blasio candidacy seems to be de Blasio himself...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Another New York politician may soon bite the dust in the crowded 2020 presidential primary field. Politico reported on Monday that many of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's closest advisers say...
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