Friday, September 20, 2024


Utah's Mike Lee Earns Trump's Favor Despite Voting with Him Less than Mitt Romney

'The president’s comments and behavior shows he clearly favors Senator Lee over Romney...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, has positioned himself as the Senate's most vocal 'NeverTrump' Republican, but he votes with the president much more than Mike Lee, Utah's senior Republican senator, The Salt Lake Tribune...

AOC: Bloomberg Would Be a ‘Worse Trump’

'A Trump that’s more sophisticated, whose fascism is less obvious, is going to come...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-N.Y., suggested that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be “a worse Trump” if he were elected president. "Obviously, we have to beat Trump, but if we beat...

Obama-Era Whistleblower Found Dead after Warning Friends He Could Be ‘Suicided’

'If I am found dead, it wasn’t suicide...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) An Obama-era whistleblower was found dead last week due to a “self-inflicted” gun shot wound, but law enforcement officials are still unsure whether his death can be conclusively ruled as a suicide. Philip Haney, a former Department of Homeland...

ABC Reporter Reassigned After Project Veritas Media Bias Sting

'I would consider myself a socialist...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a sadly ironic twist of fate, David Wright, a senior ABC News correspondent, will be reassigned from his plum post for the simple sin of telling the truth about how his news organization and others in the mainstream press...

Ted Cruz Rebukes Justice Sotomayor; Calls Judges ‘Partisan Political Activists’

'Like an arsonist complaining about the noise from the fire trucks...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, turned the tables on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor for attacking her conservative colleagues in a recent dissenting opinion and undermining the legitimacy of the bench. Sotomayor complained about her colleagues after the...

Hunter Biden Seeks to Delay Child Support Deposition Until After Primaries

'The defendant continues to act as though he has no respect for this Court...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Hunter Biden asked the Arkansas judge overseeing his child support case to delay the deposition until April 1 — after some important primary elections involving his father Joe have taken place, according...

AOC Opposes Charter Schools, Even Though She Benefited from One

'Charter schools act as tools for privatizing education and weakening the power of unionized teachers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., whose platform opposes the Trump administration’s pro-school choice policies, once bragged about getting her goddaughter into a competitive charter school in New York, according to the New...

Even Chris Cuomo Knows Bernie’s Math for Socialist Programs Doesn’t Add Up

'Well short of what is needed to fully finance Medicare for All...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders released a list on Monday that details how he plans to pay for his trillion-dollar proposals. CNN's Chris Cuomo calls out Bernie Sanders for claiming to pay for his programs when his plan...

House Republicans May Make Criminal Referrals After Mueller Team Misconduct Exposed

'I always assumed that Papadopolous probably was helpful....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After evidence emerged that members of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team withheld information from the courts and Congress, House Republicans said they are considering taking action against them. That action would most likely be a criminal referral,...

Prosecutors Left Out Exculpatory Info in Sentencing Memo for Papadopolous

Mueller team made it look like former Trump adviser wouldn't cooperate with investigation, but he did... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Declassified FBI memos reveal that at least one of the prosecutors on former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team deliberately ignored vital information when he signed former Trump campaign adviser...

WHO'S ENERGIZED? More Republicans than Dems File to Run for Congress

'I'm tired of seeing my president attacked every day...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Republicans feel greater urgency to win the House and prevent the rule of the new progressive-socialist Democratic Party, new information on candidates running for Congress suggests. Democrats in 2017 had the momentum, when nearly 1,000 candidates filed to...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Endorse Only Female Socialist Candidates

'It’s important for us to create mechanisms of support...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., will roll out a list of endorsements that includes only female progressive candidates, according to the New York Times. Ocasio-Cortez plans to endorse more than a dozen congressional candidates across the country, but they...
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