Thursday, October 17, 2024


National School Board Woke Going Broke After Calling Parents ‘Terrorists’

The National School Boards Association (NSBA), the woke national school board group that was responsible for penning a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and sic’ing the FBI on parents who protested at school board meetings, stands to lose over $1 million after 17 state chapters cancelled their...

California’s Woke Math Curriculum Gets Failing Grades, Harming Education

Over 700 mathematicians and scientists signed a letter denouncing the California Mathematics Framework, a “woke” approach to math instituted by the state, as bad science that that will hurt the nation’s competitiveness and “disproportionately harm students with fewer resources,” reported the Epoch Times. “Signatories include several public school math teachers...

Harvard Establishes ‘Election Law Clinic’ to Help Leftist Elites Steal Democracy

Leading up to the 2020 presidential election, far-left legal activists sued states---especially Midwest and Southern swing states---to get them to change their election laws, drop safeguards, and adopt unsafe practices like universal mail-in voting and no-ID voting. J. Christian Adams, a former civil rights attorney at the Justice Department, said...

Pro-Rittenhouse ASU Students Counter Socialist Gaslighting w/ ‘Lets Go Brandon’

The turmoil on the Arizona State University campus hit a peak yesterday at a protest against Kyle Rittenhouse, the Liberty Daily reported. Socialist student groups gathered to protest on campus yesterday, where they proceeded to spread false information about the recently acquitted Kenosha freedom fighter, who was vilified by the...

Kyle Rittenhouse No Longer Enrolled At ASU

Kyle Rittenhouse is no longer enrolled in Arizona State University’s online program after a coalition of leftist student groups demanded that university officials kick him out, according to Campus Reform. A spokesperson for the university confirmed that the 18-year-old, who was recently acquitted after he shot two rioters during the...

Indiana Educator Banned From School Grounds After Exposing CRT

An Indiana educator who revealed Critical Race Theory was being taught in the state’s public schools alleged that he was banned from school grounds and locked out of its online system without notice last week. Anthony Kinnet, an administrator with Indiana Public Schools, leaked a video earlier this year that...

Calif. University Requiring Job Applicants Swear Modern-Day Loyalty Oaths to ‘Diversity & Equity’

The University of California at Santa Cruz is screening all its job applicants by requiring them to submit statements affirming their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, according to the Washington Examiner. In every job posting on the UCSC website, the university admits that the “initial screening of applications will...

Oregon Middle School Halts In-Person Classes Due to Students’ Lack of ‘Socialization Skills’

An Oregon middle school is halting in-person learning because some students are "struggling with the socialization skills necessary for in-person learning." Reynolds Middle School, which was one of many schools that provided virtual learning through the pandemic, is making a brief return to distance learning while school faculty and staff...

GOP Govs., Youngkin See CRT and Biden Failures as Pathways to Polical Victory

(Headline USA) Incoming Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday his victory in a strongly Democratic state showed a winning path for Republicans to talk about education, an issue for which he said the GOP has “historically been a bit on our heels.” Youngkin spoke at the Republican Governors Association annual...

Dems Plan to Double-Down on CRT, Race-Baiting Rhetoric for 2022 Midterms

A report from far-left Business Insider suggested that Democrats are going to emphasize Critical Race Theory in the 2022 midterm elections, despite the success that opponents have seen in mobilizing concerned voters against it, according to National File. The report also suggests they will become even more hostile toward parents...

Sen. Hawley Introduces Legislation to Help Parents Fight Radicalization of Schools

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has introduced legislation titled the Parents' Bill of Rights Act to protect parents' rights to educate children how they see fit, Townhall reported. The bill would include eight listed "rights" of parents, including the guaranteeing of a parent's right to review the school's curriculum. If any of these...

Connecticut Parents Say Kindergarteners Forced to Read Book Promoting Transgenderism

According to West Hartford, Connecticut parents, teachers are reading young elementary-age schoolchildren books describing transgenderism, the Blaze reported. Teachers have apparently refused to allow parents and children to opt out of the lessons. The book primarily in question is called Introducing Teddy... . In the story, Thomas, a toy bear, is...
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