Saturday, March 8, 2025


White, Christian Male Sues University For Discrimination

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Jiffery Wilkins, former intern and employee of the University of Wyoming, is suing the school for discriminating against him as a white, Christian male. Wilkins, who interned at UW in 2015 and worked part-time between 2018 and 2021, said he was "praised for his work quality,...

Anti-White, Racist Prof. Too Woke for Even Her Leftist College

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A SUNY Binghamton professor, who implemented anti-white and anti-men “progressive stacking” in her syllabus, resigned from her position, according to Breitbart. “Six months after her syllabus attracted national and international media attention, Ana Maria Candela has resigned,” SUNY Binghamton’s student newspaper Pipe Dream reported. Earlier this...

CBS News: Parents Concerned about Child Grooming are Guilty of ‘Book Banning’

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) As more parents join the growing trend of fighting against woke and sexualized lessons in schools, the mainstream media is ramping up its efforts to push a far-Left agenda on children. The latest attack comes from CBS News running a report that accused concerned parents of...

U of Fla. Forced Students to Make ‘Statement of Privilege’ on Race, Sexuality

(Headline USA) The University of Florida College of Education requires students to make a “statement of privilege” about their race, sexuality and educational experiences, effectively embedding leftist dogma in the collegiate experience. The statement is one of the course requirements for a class on “History of Education in the U.S.,” and...

Teen Girls Barred from Locker Room after Complaint over Trans Pervert

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) After several members of a high school girls volleyball team collectively complained about a transgender pervert using their locker room, the school banished them to changing in bathroom stalls. The girls, who attend Randolph Union High School in Vermont, issued their complaint after their transgender teammate...

Dem Official: Kids May Be Killed by Parents if Teachers Disclose ‘Gender Identity’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Acting chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, Raymond Buckley, made the wild claim that if public schools are not allowed to withhold information from parents regarding their child's behavior in school—particularly in the case of "gender identity"—that parents will beat their children to death. According...

Study Questions Left’s Perennial Claim of Widespread Teacher Shortages

(Brett Rowland, The Center Square) New research on the demand for teachers highlights the lack of information about teacher shortages at all levels of government. A working paper from Brown University found that "teacher shortages are still poorly understood, and it remains unclear whether there is a shortfall of teachers...

Attempt to Veto Universal School Choice in Ariz. Officially Fails

(Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square) State officials have verified that a group trying to stop the nation’s most expansive school choice program was short by tens of thousands of signatures when they claimed otherwise. Ariz. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs announced Friday that Save Our Schools Arizona’s petition effort to...

‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Introduced in Ohio House

(J. D. Davidson, The Center Square) Ohio school districts would not be able to discourage or prohibit parental involvement in decisions about their child’s mental health if the General Assembly passes a recently-introduced Parents Bill of Rights Act. House Bill 722 would require schools to draft a policy that promotes...

Taxpayer-Funded Cancel Culture? Lawmakers Ask Ed. Secretary to Push for Tolerant Campuses

(The Center Square) – Republican lawmakers are questioning the Biden administration about cancel culture on college campuses and asking the question: why are federal taxpayer dollars funding it? House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., and House Committee on Education and Labor Ranking Member Virginia...

Teachers Coordinate Va. School Walkouts over Youngkin’s Trans Policy

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) With the aid of their leftist teachers, hundreds of radicalized high school students marched out of class in protest in response to Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin's policy that schools are not permitted to convince children to become transgenders in secret, NBC Washington reported. https://twitter.com/nbcwashington/status/1574756237937414146 Youngkin's policy requires that...

Libertarian Group Sues to Halt Biden’s Transfer of Student-Loan Debt

(Headline USA) A libertarian group in California on Tuesday filed a legal challenge to President Joe Biden’s plan for transferring an estimated $400 billion in student-debt debt from borrowers to taxpayers at large. The Sacramento-based Pacific Legal Foundation calling it an illegal overreach that would increase state tax burdens for...
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