Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Trump Says Some Schools ‘May Need to Delay Reopening’ a ‘Few Weeks’

(Headline USA) Softening his earlier stance, President Donald Trump on Thursday acknowledged that some schools may need to delay their reopening this fall, despite evidence that the coronavirus poses a similar, or perhaps smaller, threat to children as the seasonal flu. It marks a shift from Trump's previous demand for...

Blundering Biden Claims Trump Is the First Racist President

Ignoring a cadre of former leaders who owned slaves, embraced the Ku Klux Klan and openly used the n-word, presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden claimed Wednesday that President Donald Trump was the country's “first” racist president. Biden’s comments came during a virtual town hall organized by the Service Employees International...

Va. Rioters Topple R.E. Lee Monument Already Slated for Removal

A monument to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was set to be removed from a Virginia city's downtown was toppled late Wednesday by impatient race-rioters bent on destroying public property, officials said. A police officer driving near Roanoke City Hall just before midnight noticed the monument lying on its...

ND Gov. Chides State GOP for ‘Divisive’ Anti-LGBT Resolution

North Dakota’s Republican governor on Thursday blasted an anti-LGBTQ resolution that was passed by hundreds of delegates at his party's recent state convention, calling it insulting and divisive. The resolution---one of dozens of party policy statements passed by more than 900 delegates Friday and Saturday at the state GOP convention...

Google, Twitter Tighten Censorship Noose on Conservatives Ahead of Election

Big Tech mega-companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter appear determined to influence the 2020 presidential election and prevent President Donald Trump’s second term. Google was caught red-handed on Tuesday blacklisting conservatives and right-leaning news websites. Google controls 90 percent of all American internet searches, and the global information juggernaut flexed its...

Cancel Culture Finally Forces Planned Parenthood to Own Founder’s Racist Legacy

Left-wing cancel culture has come for one of its own---though in name only. Perhaps no one is more responsible for ravaging the African--American community than Margret Sanger. The celebrated founder of the nationwide abortion complex Planned Parenthood was an atrocious racist and eugenicist. This week, woke mobs finally came for the long-deceased...

Rural Areas Scoff at Woke Mob’s Effort to Erase Confederacy

The statue of the anonymous Confederate soldier has stood in front of the white-columned East Feliciana Parish courthouse for more than a century, leaning on his rifle as he looks down on trucks hauling timber and residents visiting the bank across the street. It withstood an attempt to remove it...

Red Bull Cans US Execs for Attempting to Push Divisive ‘Woke’ Politics

Get woke, go broke---or get fired, as the case may be. The Austrian-based parent corporation of the global energy drink company Red Bull isn’t playing around with woke politics in the workplace. Perhaps setting a standard for others to follow, the firm canned its top North American executives this week for...

Virtue-Signaling Media Face Awkward Dilemma over ‘Black’ Style Rule

(Headline USA) The Associated Press---oft known for its capricious and nonsensical style rules, which try to use subtle virtue-signaling to steer a national media narrative---has just taken a major plunge off the deep-end. In the wake of recent race riots, the AP declared last month that it would begin capitalizing...

Trump on Renaming Military Bases: ‘Are We Going to Name It After Al Sharpton?’

President Donald Trump mocked efforts to rename Fort Bragg and other military bases named after Confederate officers, asking, “We’re going to name it after the Rev. Al Sharpton?” Fort Bragg, an Army base in North Carolina named after Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg, is one of several military bases that would...

Conservative Hillsdale Defies Mich. Leaders, Holds FULL Graduation Ceremony

(Associated Press) A small conservative college in southern Michigan has defied warnings from state public health officials during the coronavirus pandemic by hosting an in-person graduation ceremony. Hillsdale College held graduation Saturday evening, capping days of celebrations, according to The Detroit News. “COVID obviously was a concern,” said David Betz, whose son,...

Judicial Watch: Dept of Defense Infested with ‘Woke’ Diversity Programs

The military is going “woke” — and there’s a lot of funding and institutional energy behind it. According to a trove of documents obtained by the conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch, the U.S. Department of Defense is being overrun with diversity programs, equality administrators and so-called inclusive social justice trainings. So...
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