Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Chicago Schools Vote to Replace Columbus Day w/ Indigenous People’s Day

'This is a slap in the face of the more than 500,000 Italian Americans in Chicago, and the 135 million Italian Americans worldwide...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Chicago Board of Education voted to replace its schools’ traditional celebration of Columbus Day with a new holiday: Indigenous People’s Day. The city’s...

Garth Brooks Sparks Social-Media Wrath w/ ‘Sanders’ Jersey

'I thought you were a true American that loves Our Country?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Although country singer Garth Brooks, with a massive comeback tour currently underway, has acknowledged having "friends in low places," that doesn't necessarily make him a Bernie Sanders-supporting socialist. Nor did the "Sanders" jersey he wore, accompanied...

Former ‘Throuple’ Rep. Katie Hill Blames ‘Biphobia’ for Pushing Her Out of Office

'A huge part of it — there's a fantasy element of it...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., who resigned after it was discovered that she had a sexual relationship with a subordinate in violation of House ethics rules, blamed “biphobia” for pushing her out of office. Hill told ABC...

Rashida Tlaib: Student Loan Debt Cancellation a ‘Racial Justice Issue’

Don't 'let the haters control the narrative...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., claimed this week that canceling all student loan debt is not just a “social right,” but a “racial justice issue.” “Even though some middle class and wealthier families have lots of student debt, lower-income earners, especially...

WH Correspondents’ Dinner Reverts Back to Left-Wing Comedy Routine

'They are fakers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Saturday Night Live cast member Kenan Thompson will headline this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, the association announced this week. Thompson will serve as the dinner’s host. He will be joined by comedian Hasan Minhaj, a notorious hater of President Donald Trump who will be...

Is Trump’s ‘Spiritual Adviser’ Profiting From Her Role in the White House?

'Paula White is a charlatan and recognized as a heretic by every orthodox Christian, of whatever tribe...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser, Paula White, has been widely criticized for her questionable, often heretical statements. But she continues to defend her proximity to the president, touting the “special”...

‘Moderate’ Buttigieg Promises Free Gov’t Healthcare for Illegals, Sex Changes

'This is not a luxury. This is medicine; this is health care...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Once again, fake "moderate" Democratic primary candidate Pete Buttigieg proved that his policy positions are far more extreme than radicals like former President Barack Obama and 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton. With two of the nominating...

WATCH: Mike Bloomberg Defends Racial Profiling, Controversial ‘Stop and Frisk’ Policy

'Ninety-five percent of your murders, murderers and murder victims, fit one M.O...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Hours after a new poll showed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg surging among African--American voters, a 2015 audio recording surfaced in which Bloomberg appears to advocate for racial profiling to reduce crime. The former New York...

Fake ‘Moderate’ Pete Buttigieg Cites Bible to Justify Abortions, Infanticide

'We live in a country where it is extremely important that no one person have to be subject to some other person’s interpretation of their own religion...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has branded himself as a moderate, but on abortion, he is just as radical as...

Liberals OUTRAGED After Trump Awards Limbaugh Medal of Freedom

AOC: 'It’s truly nauseating...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Trump awarded conservative icon and talk show host Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom during Tuesday’s State of the Union address, drawing the ire of liberals across the country. “Rush Limbaugh is a virulent racist,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., declared in...

Catholic Employee Files Religious Discrimination Charge Against Tennessee Labor Union

'It is outrageous that LIUNA bosses are forcing Ms. Frame to choose between keeping her job and violating her sincere religious beliefs...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A Catholic employee filed a charge against J & J Worldwide Service and its labor union, alleging union officials refused to allow her to...

Tim Scott: Dems Are Right to Worry About Losing Black Vote

'We're talking about somebody who is producing amazing results...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) CNN analyst Van Jones warned Democrats that President Donald Trump’s “effective” campaign among African--American voters is going “to cause us problems.” And according to African--American Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., Jones is right. In 2016, Trump won 8% of the African--American vote....
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