Friday, July 26, 2024


Girl Scouts Sue Scandal-Fraught Boy Scouts Going Co-Ed; Now ‘Directly Competitive’

(Headline USA) Their number's decimated by a pedophilia scandal and controversial decisions to support political causes like the LGBT agenda, the Boy Scouts made the final move away from their core values when they announced they would now accept girls. But as with other gender-equity issues, this newfound "wokeness" from...

Barack Obama Relaxes, Forces Michelle to Paddle on Leisurely Kayak Cruise in Hawaii

With his right-hand man, Joe Biden, having safely secured the Oval Office (barring any surprise changes in trajectory) ex-president Barack Obama was able to relax and rest on his laurels during a holiday visit to Hawaii. However, his wife, Michelle, wasn't so lucky. Barack Obama Relaxes as Michelle Obama Does All...

SELLERS: Trump’s First Term Was Like the Star of Bethlehem for American Democracy

This season, the planets literally aligned to bring us the perfect Christmas. You only see this every 800 years -- Devin Nunes Devinnunes Tuesday, December 22, 2020 The double transit---or great conjunction---of Saturn and Jupiter, which has been visible in the winter night sky, peaking on Monday, Dec. 21, was a rare treat. It...

Deep-Blue States New York, Illinois and Hawaii Lose Most Residents in Past Year

In the past year, New York lost more residents than any other U.S. state, the Census Bureau reported on Tuesday. This decline could cause the reliably liberal state to lose one seat in the House and one Electoral College vote, reducing the state's delegation to 26. New York saw a spike...

Radical Va. Law Prof. Wants to Count Black Votes Twice in Name of Reparations

A so-called legal scholar at one of Virginia's most prestigious universities said last week that it's time for America to reverse one of Abraham Lincoln's crowning legacies in the name of "reparations." Brandon Hasbrouck, an associate professor at Washington and Lee University's law school, wrote in The Nation that it was...

Cuomo Wants to Attend Buffalo’s Playoff Game After He Banned Fans All Season

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned fans from attending NFL games within the state due to the coronavirus pandemic. But now that his state’s team, the Buffalo Bills, made it to the playoffs, Cuomo said he wants to attend the game. Cuomo’s coronavirus restrictions have prevented the Bills from hosting fans...

Kansas City Star Publishes Apology to Readers For Racist Past

The Kansas City Star published an apology to readers for the way the paper has covered black Americans. The editor of the newspaper, Mike Fannin, claimed that it needed to “hold up the mirror to ourselves to see the historic role we have played, through both action and inaction, in...

Elite NYC School Publishes ‘Anti-Racism’ Manifesto, Angering Parents

The parents of an elite private school in New York City are reportedly furious at school administrators after dozens of faculty members published an “extreme” and “insane” anti-racism manifesto. The Dalton School, which boasts celebrities like Anderson Cooper, Christian Slater and Claire Danes among its prestigious alumni and charges $54,180...

Virginia’s Robert E. Lee Statue Has Been Removed from the US Capitol

(Headline USA) A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that has represented Virginia in the U.S. Capitol for 111 years has been removed. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said in a statement that workers removed the statue from the National Statuary Hall Collection early Monday morning. Northam had requested the removal and...

New York City Restaurants Ban Gov. Andrew Cuomo From Dining

New York City restaurant owners imposed lifetime bans on the patronage of Gov. Andrew Cuomo because his lockdowns have destroyed the city's dining industry, The Washington Examiner reported. Restaurant owners on the Facebook group NYC Restaurants Open, which shares information about open restaurants, hours, and takeout options, expressed their frustrations with...

Aaron Rodgers ‘Likes’ Fellow NFL Player’s Anti-Lockdown Tweets

(FEE) Offensive tackle Russell Okung has made a name for himself on the field as one the most dominant players in the NFL. Standing six foot five and weighing more than 300 pounds, Okung, the sixth overall pick in the 2010 NFL draft, has chalked up a Lombardi Trophy and...

Parents Lose Lawsuit Over Destruction of Son’s Porn Stash

(Associated Press) A man who sued his parents for getting rid of his pornography collection has won a lawsuit in western Michigan and can seek compensation. U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney ruled in favor of David Werking, who said his parents had no right to throw out his collection. He lived at...
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