Wednesday, June 26, 2024


White House Insurrectionist Spox Sputters over Her Election-Denying Past

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was left stammering Tuesday trying to explain why she shouldn’t be considered one of the “threats to democracy” that her boss has been demonizing in a series of spiteful speeches, given her election-denying past. President Joe Biden has recklessly smeared MAGA...

Utah School’s ‘Back to School Pride Night’ Features ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A "Back to School Pride Night" in Provo, Utah, featured a "family-friendly" drag show next to Brigham Young University. The school does not permit Pride clubs or events on campus, so the group hosts activities and events off campus. According to the Post Millennial, the Raynbow Collective, a nonprofit...

Trump, DeSantis Drop Epic Media Spots that Shame Biden’s Vile Rhetoric and Failed Policies

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump hasn’t officially declared a 2024 run for the White House, but a video that made its debut Tuesday might have bee an unofficial announcement of sorts. Concurrent with Trump’s media drop, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis released what was primarily a state campaign...

CNN: ‘Systemic Racism’ Caused Natural Disaster, Water Crisis in Jackson, Miss.

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In the wake of the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, CNN has suggested that the reason for the natural disaster was "systemic and environmental racism." Water pumps at the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant failed after severe storms flooded a local river. The rising waters caused...

MSNBC Pushes Civil War: ‘We Are At War’ With ‘Evil’ Trump Voters

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Calling Republicans the "biggest threat to democracy," MSNBC host Tiffany Cross joined President Joe Biden in declaring war on American patriots after his disturbing Philadelphia speech, Information Liberation reported. Unlike Americans who believe that the nation stands at the "brink of Civil War," Cross said that...

Cackling Cop Kamala Busts Joe Rogan

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) With a seemingly infinite capacity for committing verbal blunders that nearly rival the white man in the White House who keeps setting her up to fail, Vice President Kamala Harris has always offered ripe fodder for comedic gold. But podcaster Joe Rogan might have set a new...

Disney Pivots from Princesses to Antichrist in New Cartoon

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Departing from its long tradition of diverse princesses overcoming the patriarchy, Disney has decided to air a new series about a woman who is impregnated by Satan and gives birth to the Antichrist, Caldron Pool reported. The show, Little Demon, follows a teenage girl, who is...

Nanny-State Newsom to Regulate Fast-Food Industry; Pushes $22 Minimum Wage

(Madison Hirneisen, The Center Square) California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed landmark legislation Monday that will create a state council to set regulations for the fast food industry, a measure supporters say will give industry workers a voice in determining workplace standards. Newsom’s signature on Assembly Bill 257 allows the creation...

Kari Lake Puts Leftist Propagandist in His Place

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake explained to a leftist mouthpiece that asking questions about elections is okay and that the freedom of speech is important, especially for journalists. While Lake was answering questions from the press at a recent “Kari Lake for Governor” event,...

Germany Stakes Massive Tax Hike on Meat as Radicals Target U.S. Next

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) In an effort to further its control of the populace and allegedly to help fight climate change, Germany’s Green Party and Social Democrats have proposed skyrocketing the country’s value added tax on meat to 19%, up from the current 7% charged on most foods. The proposal, however,...

More Pro-MAGA Thought Leaders Warn of Feds Baiting for Violence

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Two leading America-First Republicans, Darren Beattie of Revolver News and JD Rucker of the America First Report, have echoed Alex Jones's warning that the security state will try to lure conservatives into false flags before the midterm elections. Beattie wrote on Revolver that conservatives must not...

Leftist Super PAC Forms to Target Mastriano, DeSantis and Family Values Republicans

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) A legion of leftist politicians and activists have created a new super PAC, Agenda PAC, to target Republicans who oppose homosexual marriages and other parts of the radical LGBT political program. This super Political Action Committee is not a positive campaigning tool. Instead, the slush fund exists...
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