Sunday, September 29, 2024


Publisher Refuses to Cave to Leftist Mob over Amy Coney Barrett’s Book

(Headline USA) Publisher Penguin Random House said it is sticking by its decision to publish Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s upcoming book in spite of leftist backlash. “We remain fully committed to publishing authors who, like Justice Barrett, substantively shape today’s most important conversations,” Adrian Zackheim with Sentinel, an imprint...

Media’s New Gaslit Talking-Point: Only Right-Wingers Engage in Political Violence

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In the wake of a notorious left-wing psychotic's attack on Paul Pelosi last week, the fake news has found a new way to gaslight audiences, making it seem as if only Republicans are responsible for "political violence." At least four separate leftist outlets---a CNN panel, ABC's...

Biden/Obama Campaign Chief Slurs Kari Lake as ‘Disgusting Piece of Sh-t’

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Democrats have tried to explain the bizarre attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband by blaming Republicans for alleged violent rhetoric, while calling for peace and civility in public discourse. The same standard doesn’t apply to a top-ranking Biden/Obama operative, who maligned Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake as...

GOP Rep. Bishop Aims to Curb DHS Abuses, as MSM Ignores Gov’t Censorship

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) A compliant and complicit mainstream media ignored wholesale a blockbuster report about the Biden regime’s ongoing censorship of free speech and covert manipulation of social media, opting instead to castigate the reporters who unearthed damning leaks and emails from the Department of Homeland Security. While the bulk of...

Dems Used Illegal GPS Data to Target COVID-Compliant GOP Voters

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Democrats and leftist campaign managers used illegal GPS tracking data from the cell phones of Americans to target Republican voters who were considered "Covid concerned" before the 2020 election, Valiant News reported. Specifically, Democrats used their state parties across the country to convince Republicans who were...

Fetterman’s Hometown Paper Endorses Dr. Oz

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) United States Senatorial candidate John Fetterman’s, D-Pa, hometown newspaper, the Pittsburg Post-Gazette, endorsed his opponent, Mehmet Oz, R-Pa., for the 2022 election. The Post-Gazette cited concerns about Fetterman’s ability to lead. The paper acknowledged that Fetterman has held the office of lieutenant governor and been a...

Ghoulish Geezer Sniffs Kid’s Hair at White House Halloween Event

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The White House hosted its annual Halloween event, where President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden greeted trick-or-treaters seeking candy. A video taken at the event showed the president rubbing the back of a young child held by an adult, presumably his parent. Biden then...

Dem. Senator Suddenly Concerned over Twitter’s Foreign Influence

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., called for an investigation into Twitter out of concern that a Saudi Arabian company linked to the kingdom's ruling family is now the second-largest shareholder. https://twitter.com/ChrisMurphyCT/status/1587091081920929796 Kingdom Holding Company and the office of Prince Alaweed Bin Talal announced that they hold nearly 35...

Fetterman Hopes to Make Himself Seem Smarter by Going on ‘The View’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Pennsylvania Democrat Lt. Gov. and Senate candidate John Fetterman will attempt to salvage his public image by going on The View and being lobbed easy questions, the Washington Free Beacon reported. After a disastrous debate performance against Republican rival Dr. Mehmet Oz wherein he repeatedly stumbled over...

Alec Baldwin Dropped from Movie after Report on Possible ‘Rust’ Charges

(Headline USA) Alec Baldwin has been replaced as the leading actor in an upcoming spy thriller. The new movie, Chief of Station, originally cast Baldwin as the lead in the project. But he is now stepping down from the film and his role will be taken on by Aaron Eckhart, according...

BBC Defends Using Fake Accounts to Analyze Spread of Disinformation

(Headline USA) In what will, no doubt, be seen one day as another in the endless stream of inflection points helping to effect the decline of the Fifth Estate, a major news company justified its spread of fake information on social media as being for the public good. But in...

Fake News Media Fuels Gaslighting Claims of MAGA-Inspired Pelosi Attack

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Faced with growing questions surrounding the hammer-wielding attack launched by an assailant, who was reportedly an illegal alien, on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, the mainstream media collaborators of the Biden regime have redoubled and expanded their efforts to peddle a narrative that ties the assault...
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