Thursday, September 19, 2024


Sources Confirm Clinton Server Hacked by Chinese; FBI Did Nothing

'What are the odds that the FBI and DOJ are right on top of this?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Chinese Intelligence may be up to its ears in yoga tips if reports prove true that its operatives secretly embedded code in Hillary Clinton's private server metadata to receive a 'courtesy...

Fauxcahontas Says ‘Real’ Immigration Problems are Child Separations, Not Mollie’s Murder

'One of the things we have to remember here is we need an immigration system that is effective.' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A day after Mollie Tibbetts' body was found in an Iowa cornfield and her alleged slayer, Mexican national Cristhian Bathena Rivera, indicted on murder charges, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth...

Illegal Immigrant Charged in Mollie Tibbetts Murder

'Justice must now be served. RIP Mollie...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A lengthy search for a missing college student reached a sad end on Tuesday as murder charges were filed against illegal immigrant Cristhian Bathena Rivera in the death of 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts. Fox News reports that Tibbetts' father confirmed her...

Angry Mob Topples UNC Confederate Monument ‘Silent Sam’

'Self-proclaimed communists and anarchists were given free reign by a willfully helpless police force to complete their destruction...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a scene reminiscent of the liberation of Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad or the execution of Moamar Gaddafi in Libya (GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING), mob rule took over the University...

Another Renegade Court: Judge Wants to Spring Saudi Illegal from Jail

'Will not stand by and let local jurisdictions face unwarranted judicial activism...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the Trump administration continues its court battle over sanctuary cities, illegal-immigration advocates are testing another strategy: suing those who cooperate with immigration enforcement. The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County currently is embroiled...

Father Charged with Murdering Restroom Peeper

'They needed to take care of the situation or he would do it himself...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) An Arizona father who allegedly beat to death a man accused of trying to enter his daughter's bathroom stall now faces second-degree murder charges. Melvin Harris was arrested on Aug. 4 for murdering...

Colorado Officials Continue to Harass Masterpiece Cakeshop

'The state’s continuing efforts to target Phillips do not just violate the Constitution; they cross the line into bad faith...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two months since the Supreme Court upheld Masterpiece Cakeshop’s religious liberty as law of the land, Colorado officials continue to harass Christian cakemaker Jack Phillips, his...

Strzok Sets Up Twitter, GoFundMe Accounts

'The FBI and the American people deserve better...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Freshly fired Peter Strzok, once the FBI's deputy chief of counterintelligence, took his case to the public sphere Monday in hopes of garnering both moral and financial support. Echoing the scorched-earth separations of his one-time bosses, James Comey and...

Gun Advocates See Little Help from Sessions & DOJ

‘Nobody should hang their hat on starting Second Amendment litigation these days. It’s a losing proposition...’ (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The recent settlement of a case involving the distribution of materials for at-home gun-making has opened the floodgates to questions about the Trump administration’s positions on gun-rights. The Justice Department reached...

Liberty-Minded Folks Dubious About Kavanaugh on Privacy Rights

RAND PAUL: 'I’m worried about his opinion on the Fourth Amendment...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh begins the vetting process leading up to his confirmation hearings, not all of his opposition comes from the Left. Conservative analysts have questioned some of his unorthodox decisions...

Dems in Panic After SCOTUS Decision on Unions, Kennedy Retirement

Schumer calls Janus decision a “gut punch” and a “despicable decision” based “on a flimsy, almost made-up First Amendment justification...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the wake of two game-changing announcements from the U.S. Supreme Court that will directly impact the political sphere, Democrats scrambled to respond on Thursday. Minority leaders Sen....

State Law Makes Asset Seizures More Transparent

Annual report detailing the value of all property seized at the state and local level in NH now required to be posted online... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A new law in New Hampshire seeks to bring more transparency to law enforcement’s profits from asset forfeiture. SB498 was among 75 bills that Gov....
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