Saturday, October 19, 2024


Rand Paul Seeks to Destroy a Tool of The Deep State

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., took to Twitter over the weekend and proposed abolishing the Espionage Act (a favorite tool of the national security state), as reported by Axios. Paul tweeted, "The espionage act was abused from the beginning to jail dissenters of WWI. It is long past...

George Floyd Square Sees 2nd Fatal Shooting This Month

(Headline USA) Briefly considered hallowed ground in the immediate aftermath of the Black Lives Matter movement during the summer of 2020, the Minneapolis site where George Floyd died while in police custody has now resumed being a place of high crime and violence. That, in many ways, still serves as...

Delaware Man Kills Self after Driving Fiery Car into Capitol Barrier

(Headline USA) A man drove his car into a barricade near the U.S. Capitol early Sunday and then began firing gunshots in the air before fatally shooting himself, according to police, who said he did not seem to be targeting any member of Congress. The incident happened just before 4...

Arizona Parents Arrested Trying to Get in Locked-Down School

(Headline USA) Police arrested three Arizona parents, shocking two of them with stun guns, as they tried to force their way into a school that police locked down Friday after an armed man was seen trying to get on campus, authorities said. The parents were arrested as they tried to...

AOC’s Constituents Sour on Defunding the Police as Crime Soars

(Headline USA) Voters in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s, D-N.Y., district have soured on the defund the police movement as crime in their neighborhoods soars.  Ocasio-Cortez represents New York’s 14th congressional district, which is made up of more than 650,000 residents in the boroughs of the Bronx and Queens, reported Fox News. This...

Was FBI’s Trump Raid a CYA Mission to Retrieve Russia Hoax Docs?

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) The FBI's controversial raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home may have been orchestrated to protect the agency from incriminating documents. Trump was believed to be in possession of binders that he ordered to be "declassified to the maximum extent possible." His order also noted the FBI's objection...

Author Salman Rushdie Stabbed Onstage at NY Lecture

(Headline USA) Salman Rushdie, the author whose writing led to death threats from Iran in the 1980s, was attacked and apparently stabbed in the neck Friday by a man who rushed the stage as he was about to give a lecture in western New York. An Associated Press reporter witnessed...

False Flag? Armed Assailant Attacks FBI Field Office in Cincinnati

(Headline USA) An armed man decked out in body armor tried to breach a security screening area at an FBI field office in Ohio on Thursday, then fled and was injured in an exchange of gunfire in a standoff with law enforcement, authorities said. Federal officials said the man “attempted to...

Va. Man Gets 12 Years in Case that Challenged Police Use of Google Location Data

(Headline USA) A Virginia man has been sentenced to nearly 12 years in prison on federal bank robbery charges in a case that tested the constitutionality of broad search warrants that use Google location history to identify people who were near the scene of a crime. The Richmond Times--Dispatch reported...

Leftists Scrap Police Funding to Save Green New Deal Spending Spree

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Despite claims from Democrats renouncing their defund the police enthusiasms, the party of government-sanctioned tyranny is set to approve hundreds of billions of dollars for new squadrons of IRS agents and climate alarmist initiatives while once again shafting funding for law enforcement. In their desperation to get...

Panicked Nadler Flip-Flops over ‘Defund the Police’ Amid Primary Heat

(Headline USA) Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., tried to distance himself from his past support for the defund the police movement this week by calling for more federal funding for the New York Police Department. Nadler, who is fending off a primary challenge from House Oversight Committee chair Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y.,...

Pervy FBI Wanted Cameras Cut While Rifling Through Melania’s Drawers

(Headline USA) FBI agents searched through former First Lady Melania Trump’s closet and spent several hours scouring former President Donald Trump’s office in his Mar-a-Lago home during a raid on Monday. More than 30 plainclothes agents obtained a warrant to search through the Trumps’ property for presidential records and alleged classified...
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