Monday, June 17, 2024


Supreme Court Declines to Hear McCloskeys’ Appeal Over Suspended Law Licenses

(Headline USA) The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Monday to hear an appeal from Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Missouri-based attorneys whose law licenses were placed on probation after they brandished their firearms at leftist rioters threatening their home. In February, the Missouri Supreme Court indefinitely suspended the McCloskeys’ law licenses,...

Obama Judge Blocks Louisiana’s Congressional Map, Demands Racial Gerrymandering

(Headline USA) Louisiana's Democratic governor said Monday he will call the Republican-dominated Legislature into special session soon to draw up new congressional district boundaries, now that an activist federal judge has blocked use of maps that have only one majority-black district. Gov. John Bel Edwards announced his plan at a...

J6 Political Prisoner Narrates New Documentary from Solitary Confinement

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Jake Lang, a J6 political prisoner who has spent months in solitary confinement, co-produced and narrated a new documentary, "The Truth about January 6th", detailing the injustices perpetrated by the state. Lang's opening lines attacked the mainstream media for its false narrative surrounding J6 and the...

Federal Judge OKs Oklahoma’s Lethal Injection Method

(Headline USA) A federal judge in Oklahoma on Monday ruled the state’s three-drug lethal injection method is constitutional, paving the way for the state to request execution dates for more than two dozen death row inmates who were plaintiffs in the case. Judge Stephen Friot’s ruling followed a six-day federal trial...

MURDOCK: Before ‘Roe’ Repeal, Pro-Lifers Must Have Strong Replacement Plan

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) If the U.S. Supreme Court junks Roe v. Wade, Republicans, conservatives and other pro-lifers need a message to unbend those whom that decision will contort. First, use secular arguments for why abortion is evil. “Every baby is touched by Jesus” frosts the 33% of U.S. adults...

Amazon’s Entitled Work-at-Home Employees Sue over Office Supplies, Expenses

(Gregg Pupecki, Headline USA) During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees were fortunate enough to be allowed to work from home, but for some that privilege was not enough.  Employees from several companies, including Amazon, now believe they are entitled to free internet, electricity and company-paid office supplies for their...

NYC Victim Sues Gunmaker for Actions of Mentally Ill Black Supremacist

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A victim in the New York City Brooklyn subway shooting earlier this year has decided to sue gun manufacturer Glock, Inc. for the injuries that she sustained from the shooter. On April 12, perpetrator Frank James allegedly fired multiple rounds on a subway car in Brooklyn....

NYC Police Told to Halt Anti-Gay Sex Stings in Public Bathrooms

(Headline USA) Bowing to the altar of wokeness instead of serving public safety, the police agency that patrols New York City’s main bus terminal has agreed to stop sending plainclothes officers into its public bathrooms to try and catch people propositioning strangers for sex, a type of sting long...

Calif. Extends Endangered Species Law to Bees Who Identify as Fish

(Pamela Cosel, Headline USA)  Teaching about the “birds and the bees” is going to get a lot more interesting after California this week passed a new environmental law that classifies bees -- wait for it -- as fish. Sort of. But can a bee swim? Can a bee be caught...

Alito Halts Pa. Lawsuit Seeking to Count Improperly Marked Ballots

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito put a hold on a Pennsylvania recount as the lower court's decision awaits Supreme Court oversight, as the GOP primary battle continues between Mehmet Oz and David McCormick. Alito's administrative stay overrides the 3rd Circuit Court's decision that permitted undated ballot...

SCOTUS Leak Probe Ramps Up w/ Request for Clerks’ Cell Phones

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The investigation in to the leak of the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade continues, with the Supreme Court requesting that law clerks provide cell phone records, the Western Journal reported. The leak of the drafted opinion by Justice Samuel Alito in the case of Dobbs...

Pro-Clinton Jury Gives Democrat Bagman Michael Sussmann a Free Pass

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A jury stacked with Hillary Clinton campaign donors ignored what most legal experts considered "overwhelming" evidence of guilt and returned an earlier-than-expected verdict that gave Democrat bagman Michael Sussmann a free pass on a charge of lying to the FBI. Special counsel John Durham mounted a...
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