Thursday, October 17, 2024

Black Luminaries Condemn Racist Attacks on Justice Thomas

'White progressives do not have the moral authority to excommunicate a black man from his race because they disagree with him... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A group of American intellectual blacks penned a letter published with Real Clear Politics condemning the racist response to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his conservative ideas.

In their view, white progressives have no right to decide whether or not Thomas is worthy of blackness based upon their radical academic theories.

“White progressives do not have the moral authority to excommunicate a black man from his race because they disagree with him,” they wrote. “And those – regardless of background – who join in the charade or remain silent are guilty of enabling this abuse.”

Thomas has come increasingly under fire by the Left as the Supreme Court targets key parts of their political platform, including the nationally guaranteed “rights” to abortion and gay marriage.

Leftists have increasingly called for the public harrassment of conservative Supreme Court justices after the recent Dobbs decision, for which Thomas has taken the brunt.

According to those who penned the letter, the assault on Thomas has been racist, and reflects larger problems on the part of the Left.

“We, the undersigned, condemn the barrage of racist, vicious, and ugly personal attacks that we are witnessing on Clarence Thomas – a sitting Supreme Court justice. Whether it is calling him a racist slur, an ‘Uncle Tom’ or questioning his ‘blackness’ over his jurisprudence, the disparagement of this man, of his faith and of his character, is abominable.”

The letter, which culminates with over 100 signatures from conservative black intellectuals, concluded by praising Thomas for his contributions to the good of the nation, and for his faith and family.

“Regardless of where one stands on Justice Thomas’ personal or legal opinions, he is among the pantheon of black trailblazers throughout American history and is a model of integrity, scholarship, steadfastness, resilience, and commitment to the Constitution of the United States of America.”

“For three decades Justice Thomas has served as a model for our children. He has long been honored and celebrated by black people in this country and his attackers do not speak for the majority of blacks.”

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