Thursday, October 17, 2024

Biden’s Story of Abortion ‘Horror’ Crumbling as Pure Disinformation

'This isn’t some imagined horror... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Faced with facts that don’t align with the preferred leftist narrative, the Biden administration and its Democrat allies in distortion and disinformation have increasingly resorted to spinning concocted stories and positing so-called anecdotes as confirmed truth.

The most recent reportedly came from the fabulist-in-chief himself, when President Joe Biden related the horrifying story of a 10-year-old rape victim who was forced to flee Ohio to receive an abortion.

The story, which Biden used as a centerpiece to validate his executive fiat on abortion, was widely repeated on social platforms and used by mainstream media to drive the leftist narrative that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has unleashed a barrage of dire harm.

The tale, which originated in a small Ohio newspaper and relied on an abortion doctor and activist as its single source, raised red flags almost immediately outside of the Left’s echo chamber.

The story “gives me serious pause for a number of reasons,” noted PJ Media’s Megan Fox, who laid out the potential flaws in brutal detail.

“This isn’t some imagined horror,” Biden said of the dire fallout from the overturn of Roe, before launching into the story of a 10-year-old rape victim.

But increasing evidence suggests that particular story might, indeed, have been an “imagined horror.”

The story was apparently so full of holes, that even the reliably leftist Washington Post doubted its credibility, but conceded that the story had now “acquired the status of a fact.” 

That “status of fact” has taken another massive hit to what little credibility it had.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost told Fox News that there hasn’t been any indication from law enforcement or the medical community, “not a whisper,” of any official report being filed about the incident.

“My office runs the state crime lab and any case like this, you’re going to have a rape kit,” Yost said, adding that the AG’s office has not received a request for a case that “looks anything like this.”

Further damning, it is a crime for any “mandated reporter,” a doctor for example, to not notify authorities about a possible rape, especially of a minor, a crime that carries a life-sentence in Ohio, Yost said.

“I know our prosecutors and cops in this state,” he said.

“There isn’t one of them who wouldn’t be turning over every rock in their jurisdiction if they had the slightest hint that this has occurred.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did little to shore up the story’s credibility or the veracity of her boss who repeated the tale as fact, refusing to offer proof for its validity.

Jean-Pierre wouldn’t say if the administration had made any attempt to verify the story, reported the WashingtonTimes.

“I would refer you to the DOJ, I don’t have anything more to share on the identity of this young woman or the question you asked,” Jean-Pierre dodged.

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