Saturday, October 5, 2024

Biden Pulls Air Marshals from Flights to Use for ‘Welfare Checks’ on Illegals

'There have even been reports that Air Marshals are performing janitorial duties... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is yanking federal air marshals from monitoring American commercial flights, instead assigning them to check on the health, security and happiness of illegal immigrants crossing the border.

According to Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., Congress was told earlier this week that air marshals have been reassigned for the welfare checks and janitorial work to support illegal immigration and make it safer, Breitbart reported.

“In an attempt to combat the crisis on the border, you have deployed highly-trained and highly-skilled Federal Air Marshals to perform non-law enforcement duties such as hospital watch, transportation, and welfare checks. There have even been reports that Air Marshals are performing janitorial duties,” Van Drew said.

He noted that directing the air marshals is the responsibility of Alejandro Mayorkas, the director of the DHS.

“DHS is removing hundreds of Air Marshals from the skies during one of the busiest travel seasons of the year even though you state that America’s aviation infrastructure is at a very high threat and is a target.”

“Furthermore, DHS is even classifying how many high-risk flights are not being covered due to your decision to deploy Air Marshals to the border. How do you justify this deployment?”

Mayorkas denied all claims made by Van Drew.

“Of course, it is false that they are deployed to the border to conduct janitorial services,” Mayorkas said. “We have contract personnel to do that.”

Despite Mayorkas’ denials, one has to remain suspect given the Biden-Harris administration’s open contempt for borders and persistent support of mass immigration.

For example, a surge in illegal immigration from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in September brought the number of illegal crossings to the highest level ever recorded in a fiscal year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The year-end numbers reflect deteriorating economic and political conditions in some countries, the relative strength of the U.S. economy, and a relaxed enforcement of President Trump’s asylum restrictions.

Illegal immigrants were stopped 227,547 times in September at the U.S. border with Mexico, the third-highest month of Joe Biden‘s presidency. It was up 11.5% from 204,087 times in August and 18.5% from 192,001 times in September 2021.

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