Thursday, October 17, 2024

As Poll Numbers Tank, Biden Suddenly Rediscovers Authority to Close Border

'This is what panic looks like...

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers continue to plummet ahead of his 2024 presidential election rematch against former President Donald Trump, the open-borders Democrat has suddenly rediscovered his executive power to mitigate the immigration crisis, the New York Post reported.

According to a White House insider, Biden and his administration are planning to issue an executive order that will, in effect, limit the number of possible immigrants across the border on any given day to 4,000.

The insider did not say when the order would likely go into effect.

The order remarkably resembles a failed border-security bill that the House rejected in April because it gave too much discretion to Homeland Security officials who were the root cause of the open-border crisis in the first place and were likely acting in bad faith to allow illegals to enter the country with impunity.

The bill was tied to other major spending packages for foreign aid to Ukraine and elsewhere.

Biden claimed during the debate over the legislation that he lacked the authority to act on his own, despite the fact that he, on his first day in office, asserted the authority to repeal the executive orders that Trump had put in place to close the border.

The new order would continue to grant some discretion to the Department of Homeland Security, but it would force more deportations when illegal crossings surpass 5,000 per day for a one-week span.

For reference, in April nearly 6,000 illegal immigrants were allowed across the border on a daily basis.

As recently as last summer, Biden administration officials were preaching the most radical immigration platitudes imaginable, going so far as to hire people who wanted to eliminate all border enforcement whatsoever.

Yet, in recent months, the Left’s shift towards border enforcement has been more apparent as Democrats across the country have distanced themselves—at least in their rhetoric— from their party’s open-border stance.

Polling suggests, for instance, that Americans across the political spectrum–even some people sympathetic to immigration–are concerned with the state of the border.

A Marquette Law School poll of registered voters taken last September gave Trump, a 24-point advantage over Biden on handling immigration and border security issues—52% to 28%.

Some on Twitter mocked Biden for his rearguard, which may be too little, too late.

“This is what panic looks like,” Vince Langman, a Trump supporter, wrote.

Others suggested that Biden had already achieved his desired outcome of replacing Americans with foreigners, and that now he has the luxury of playing politics.

“What’s he going to do about the 7 million who crashed the border of the past few years?” another Twitter user asked.

By some estimates, around 11 million illegals have entered the country on Biden’s watch.

The executive order, however, is not the only example of Biden appearing to pivot away from his fringe leftist position with the election looming.

Despite having taken a notoriously soft stance on China—where his family has considerable private business interests—Biden recently borrowed another move from the Trump playbook by announcing a raft of new tariffs—$18 billion in total—to prevent the Asian rival from exploiting a U.S. trade imbalance.

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