Friday, October 25, 2024

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Received ‘Reparations’ from Friends on Juneteenth

'As we reflect on the significance of what this day symbolizes, let’s keep fighting to address the lasting consequences of slavery...'

(Headline USA) Isra Hirsi, daughter of “Squad” Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has received “reparations” payments from her white friends on Juneteenth for the past several years—despite having no ancestors who experienced slavery or racial discrimination in the United States, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Hirsi, whose parents are Somali immigrants, is a far-left, anti-Israel activist and Barnard College student. 

Public transaction records on Venmo show she has received at least a dozen payments on Juneteenth with notes that read “reparations” or “Happy Juneteenth.” The app does not say how much she was paid.

Most of the payments to Hirsi were sent in 2020 as the Black Lives Matter riots took over cities across America. That Juneteenth, she received nine payments labeled “reparations,” and sent two of her own to black friends.

She also publicly encouraged her social media followers that year to “donate to descendants of enslaved people today!”

Somalian clans, historically, were known for having promulgated the slave trade by capturing rival clans, including the Bantu tribes, and enslaving them or selling them to Arab and European traders.

Even in modern times, forms of slavery exist in Somalia, such as the child soldiers notoriously conscripted into its military forces.

Nonetheless, Hirsi, who is Muslim, has framed herself as a victim of white supremacy and “Zionism” because she supports the pro-Palestine movement led by the terrorist group Hamas.

Earlier this year, she was arrested and suspended from Barnard College for participating in the vandalism and takeover of one of the school’s buildings. Hirsi complained afterwards that her suspension had left her homeless.

“I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to,” she told Teen Vogue.

“I haven’t formally been evicted,” she continued. “I haven’t been sent a ‘move out’ email, but they’ve just said that I can’t get in, whatever that means. I have like four shirts, two pairs of pants.”

Omar, Hirsi’s mother, also began advocating for reparations for black Americans at the national level in 2020.

“Proud #Juneteenth is now a federal holiday,” Omar wrote on X at the time. “As we reflect on the significance of what this day symbolizes, let’s keep fighting to address the lasting consequences of slavery. Next step: reparations.”

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