Thursday, October 17, 2024

BlackRock Tied to Biden Coup as Links to Trump Assassination, IT Meltdown Emerge

'Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way...'

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) BlackRock, the multi-trillion-dollar company that has seen its stench touch on all of the suspicious events in the past week, played a direct role, of sorts, in finalizing the long-drawn-out Biden coup on Sunday.

As the 81-year-old president lay stricken with COVID-19 and any number of other unknown ailments, his bedside advisers were Steve Ricchetti and Mike Donilon, according to Politico.

When people ask who is really running the country, it is a safe bet that staffers like these had outsize influence in calling the shots.

Both had longstanding ties going back at least to the Obama administration, where they served similar roles serving as Biden confidantes, and likely had roles of influence behind the scenes in the Clinton administration, as well. During the Trump years, they assumed cushy interim jobs drawing salaries from the China-backed Biden Institute through the University of Delaware.

Donilon, who had been a humble campaign adviser of late, appears to have stepped into the role of senior adviser when Anita Dunn was conveniently jettisoned last month.

Dunn, a longtime adviser, fell on her sword after Biden’s disastrous debate. As recently as April, she had been one of the top staffers quietly trying to get Biden to remove Karine Jean-Pierre as press secretary. In other words, Dunn sincerely tried to prop-up the failing president where others were simply standing back and waiting for Biden’s implosion to occur.

Donilon, by contrast, had a key role in pressing Biden not to focus on issues or policies, but rather to attack former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy—the sort of divisiveness that ultimately resulted in the Jan. 13 assassination attempt on the GOP candidate.

He is the brother of Tom Donilon, who was chief of staff in the Clinton State Department and national security adviser under Obama and now serves as chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute.

Tom Donilon has visited the White House multiple times during the Biden administration, although the odds are good those meetings were not simply to do lunch with his brother or to say ‘hi’ to his former National Security Council colleagues.

Indeed, questions have arisen as to the extent to which BlackRock was running the White House given the widespread influence of the Donilon family—which also includes Tom’s daughter Sarah working at the NSC.

The globalist investment company, which gave birth to the toxic ESG strategy of forcing other companies to comply with a specific political agenda, is believed to have played a major role in forming the Biden administration’s China policy—in other words, allowing a spy balloon to fly over key security sites and doing little else to push back on the nation’s growing aggression.

More recently, BlackRock has played a major role in Ukraine operations, including major farmland acquisitions and securing the contract to rebuild it whenever the war there finishes, which raises considerable questions about how the bidding process played out.

Because of Tom Donilon’s roles in the State Department and the National Security Council, he undoubtedly had a strong part in crafting the Ukraine policy, which began in earnest with the 2014 color revolution that ousted the country’s Russia-friendly president.

Whether that involves CIA black sites, biolabs testing newly weaponized COVID or anthrax strains, or a massive server database capable of tapping into unsecured voting systems, Democrats’ peculiar interest in Ukraine remains something of a mystery.

Some now wonder if BlackRock and its co-conspirators might be willing to do anything necessary to keep it that way—including the attempt on Trump’s life.

Would-be assassin Thomas Crooks’s ties to the company are now on the radar of Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and others who are investigating the assassination attempt.

Crooks was featured in a BlackRock commercial during high school. The company also was reported to have investments in Austin Private Wealth, which was the only one to issue a short-sale order for Trump’s media company (DJT) the day before the assassination attempt.

In between the attempt to kill one presidential candidate one weekend and the successful effort to nullify a democratic primary the next weekend by forcing out its winning candidate, another anomaly also caught the attention of many.

CrowdStrike—the company best known for its ties to Dominion Voting Systems and for its role in maintaining and forensically examining the hacked Democratic National Committee servers in 2016—claimed that a routine update resulted in a Windows glitch that resulted in a global IT meltdown.

Among the systems reportedly impacted by it were the Dominion-run voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona, which were not supposed to be online.

Not surprisingly, CrowdStrike has considerable ties to the Deep State, the DNC and to BlackRock.

Shawn Henry, CrowdStrike’s current chief security officer and a member of the company’s executive team, served as executive assistant director of the FBI during the Obama administration, working, undoubtedly, with other members of the Seventh Floor rogue’s gallery such as James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

BlackRock also is the top investor in CrowdStrike, meaning it essentially owns the company.

But don’t expect any of this information to be validated by the trusted sources at Fox News—since BlackRock also now owns a substantial stake in that company, and likely was behind its massive settlement deal for more than $700 billion with Dominion Voting Systems in a dubious defamation lawsuit.

Its “acquisition” of Fox last year also likely led to the termination of popular host Tucker Carlson and other Ukraine skeptics.

But while Fox founder Rupert Murdoch reportedly lobbied Trump hard to select Doug Burgum as his running mate, Trump listened instead to Carlson by selecting Ukraine war skeptic J.D. Vance.

Expect to see the network subtly begin to incorporate more of the leftist/mainstream media talking points into its reporting while ignoring the big stories right in front of their eyes that have its top investors’ fingerprints all over them.

Ben Sellers is the editor of Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/realbensellers.

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