Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hate Group SPLC is Cutting at Least 60 Staffers to ‘Streamline’ Operations

'CEO and President Margaret Huang announced that the cuts would allow greater 'focus' on racial justice...'

(Molly BrunsHeadline USA) The race-baiting Southern Poverty Law Center fired a quarter of its staff on Wednesday, completely eliminating two departments in the name of “restructuring,” the SPLC workers union announced Wednesday.

According to the SPLC’s union, the organization let go of 60 union members, including several high-ranking stewards and a union chair.

In the lengthy thread, the SPLC Union team accused the organization of corruption and implied they are likely hoarding donations.

One of the dismantled departments was the “Learning for Justice Department,” which advocated for teaching critical race theory, gender ideology and other tenants of woke doctrine to children of all ages.

“CEO and President Margaret Huang announced that the cuts would allow greater ‘focus’ on racial justice, but failed to explain how eliminating immigrant Justice work and anti-racist education work served that goal,” the post read.

“Functionally eliminating the Learning for Justice department leaves educators, students, and caregivers without resources and support in building curricula and orienting classrooms towards justice work.”

Another department the SPLC eliminated was the Southern Immigrant Freedom Initiative, which provided representation to detained immigrants in Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi free of charge.

The SPLC started as a charity meant to provide legal services to poor people in the South, then quickly shifted its goals to suing the Ku Klux Klan groups into bankruptcy. This move earned the group millions of dollars in donations.

After destroying the KKK, the group focused on policing mainstream organizations, creating its infamous list of “hate groups.” This list includes anything from Klan chapters to Moms for Liberty, which aims to protect kids from the public school’s attempts to indoctrinate them into gender and critical race ideology.

The mass layoffs raised several questions–the group retained its massive endowment of $700 million, so the layoffs were clearly not a result of financial troubles.

The SPLC is also known for their consistent scandals and internal turmoil, even going as far as ousting several leaders in the organization, including one of the founders, after accusations of the group being a “highly profitable scam.”

Perhaps the SPLC’s greatest scandal is its reported involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing.

SPLC made no official announcements about the firings or any upcoming movements. The SPLC Union speculated the move was meant to punish union-affiliated employees, but their motive still remains unclear.

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