Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bill Maher: ‘Take This Hijab and Shove It’ – Calls Out Ignorance on Iran

'Hundreds of millions of women are treated worse than second-class citizens...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) HBO host Bill Maher had sharp criticism for college students protesting Israel’s military actions in the Gaza Strip while ignoring Iran’s oppressive policies towards women. 

“Well, now that summer is here and Hamas-backing college protesters have dispersed back to their summer internships at Goldman Sachs, I thought it might be a good time to say this,” Maher began on the Friday edition of Real Time, addressing what he sees as the selective outrage aimed at Israel. 

“Here’s the thing, today, hundreds of millions of women are treated worse than second-class citizens,” Maher added.  

“When you mandate that one category of human beings don’t even have the right to show their face, that’s apartheid and it goes on a lot of countries,” he stated. 

Maher drew attention to the plight of women in Iran, referencing the tragic case of Mahsa Amini. 

“For the past couple of years, women in Iran have been saying, ‘Take this hijab and shove it’ because in 2022, a young woman named Mahsa Amini was arrested for wearing her mandatory hijab incorrectly and then died in police custody,” he continued. 

He went on to state that over 500 individuals were killed in the subsequent protests following Amini’s death. 

“How about defunding those police?” Maher asked. “Amnesty International says that ‘Iranian authorities are waging a war on women that subjects them to beatings, sexual violence and detention.” 

“This is an apartheid that desperately needs your attention. Gender apartheid,” he said. “This is what should be the social justice issue of your time. How about, ‘From the river to the sea, every woman shall be free.’” 

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