Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hunter Biden Used Sandy Hook Memorial as Cover for Shady Business Deal

'It takes a special kind of degenerate to use a memorial for deceased children as cover for meeting with the Chinese communists...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) New text messages from the House GOP investigation into the Biden family reveal that Hunter used his father’s appearance at Sandy Hook Elementary School—where 26 people, including 19 students, were gunned down in 2012—to arrange a shady business deal.

The text messages were from Dec. 12, 2017, when Hunter Biden asked his business partner, Liu Yadong, a top executive at Chinese oil giant CEFC, to arrange a meeting with his father.

“Can you meet this evening early?” Hunter wrote, as first reported by the Daily Mail. “My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandyhook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle [Jim Biden] and then you and I can talk let me know if that works.”

Yadong agreed to meet.

“No problem,” he told Hunter. “Pls let me know where and when to meet.”

It’s not clear if they ever met at Sandy Hook, but the Bidens eventually struck a deal with CEFC to be involved with the company in exchange for $10 million a year.

That agreement led to the infamous July 2017 text message from Hunter to CEFC executive Henry Zhao, asking about receiving payments from the deal.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter said in that July 2017 message to Henry Zhao. “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.”

Days later, Hunter received $5 million from CEFC.

Some of that money wound up in Joe Biden’s bank account. According to the House Oversight Committee, CEFC first sent the $5 million to Northern International Capital, which then forwarded the payment to Hudson West III—a joint venture between a Hunter Biden and a CEFC associate.

Then, Hudson West sent $400,000 to Hunter’s law firm, Owasco PC. From there, $150,000 was sent to the Lion Hall Group, which was owned by James Biden and his wife, Sara Biden.

Sara then withdrew $50,000 from Lion Hall and deposited it in her personal account.

Finally, a few days later, Sara cut a check in September 2017 to Joe for $40,000—calling it a “loan repayment.”

“Even if this $40,000 was a loan repayment from James Biden, it still shows how Joe benefited from his family cashing in on his name—with money from China, no less,” House Oversight Chairman James Comer said of this revelation last year.

Meanwhile, conservative pundits expressed disgust—but not surprise—that the Bidens were willing to use the Sandy Hook memorial to facilitate shady business deals.

“It takes a special kind of degenerate to use a memorial for deceased children as cover for meeting with the Chinese communists,” Red State wrote in an editorial. “Has there been another political family in American history with this level of consistent corruption?”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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