Friday, October 18, 2024

Recurring Payments to Joe Biden Were ‘Car Payments,’ Hunter’s Lawyer Says

'The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Hunter Biden’s attorney claimed that recently uncovered payments that funneled into his father’s bank account were payments for a car.

As it was reported by Slay News, the payments were made to Joe Biden’s bank from his son’s Owasco PC account, which received millions of dollars in payments from Chinese state-owned corporations.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter’s lawyer and Bill Clinton’s former impeachment attorney, mocked House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, RKy., in a statement for his characterization of the payments as proof that Joe was involved in his son’s corrupt business dealings.

Three $1,380 payments between September and November 2018 were reimbursements on car payments for a truck that Joe bought for Hunter when he couldn’t get credit, Lowell also claimed.

“There Chairman Comer goes again — reheating what is old as new to try to revive his sham of an investigation. The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck. When Hunter was able to, he paid his father back and took over the payments himself,” he said.

A car dealership did confirm that Joe bought a 2018 Ford F-150 Raptor truck for $67,000 for his son in June 2018, with Hunter trading in two other vehicles as part of the deal.

Both the deal and payments to Joe are all on Hunter’s laptop, but the payments are not specifically designated as car payments and there’s no evidence to confirm that this was the purpose of the transfers.

In addition to that, Lowell didn’t explain why the payments didn’t equal the cost of the vehicle purchase.

“This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world,” Comer said, adding that the payments “are part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in and benefited from his family’s influence-peddling schemes.”

He also said that he doesn’t believe the payments are car payments and noted that Joe had many meetings with his son’s business associates as the foreign payments were being made in China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Kazakhstan.

Also, there isn’t any documentation that would prove that payments were car payments, Comer said.

According to him, bank records prove that Hunter could have easily afforded a car with the millions he was getting from foreign entities, without the need for credit or loans.

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