Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tucker Carlson’s Huge Ratings Show America Hungry for J6 Truths

'This is probably a large part of why Democrats were so panicked about Tucker getting his hands on the videos... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As drama unfolds surrounding Tucker Carlson’s release of Capitol footage from the J6 protest-tourist rally, Fox News ratings at primetime have dwarfed numerous other mainstream outlets.

Fox News, from 8:00-10:00 PM, secured more viewers from ages 25 to 54 than the woke corporate establishment at MSNBC, CNN, Newsmax & NewsNation combined. Fake News mainstay CNN was among the hardest hit, with FOX attracting six times the audience in the primetime Tuesday slot.


Some pundits credited Carlson’s fiercest critics for fueling the ratings bonanza. The high-profile lashings have drawn public interest to see the evidence for themselves.

The success of Fox’s show has sent leftist media hacks like late night “personality” Stephen Colbert into jealous tantrums.

Fox News doesn’t believe a word they say ― and neither should you,” Colbert declared earlier this week in a monologue.

Colbert has been joined by the equally insufferable Jimmy Kimmel, who has spent the better part of his on-air time mocking Fox News and its millions of viewers who have been declared domestic terrorists by their own President.

“Whenever they get cornered, they turn to an old friend to distract: Artificial outrage,” Kimmel said.

Ratings reveal that the outrage is anything but artificial, and that it is shared across demographics.

Fox’s strong primetime performance was anchored by Carlson’s show, according to Mediaite. Carlson’s show with its J6 video bombshells landed 4.14 million total viewers. Fox primetime doubled MSNBC’s average of 1.49 million total viewers, while CNN’s primetime average tanked at 451,000 total viewers.

“This is probably a large part of why Democrats were so panicked about Tucker getting his hands on the videos. They knew that he would have a massive audience for the shows,” wrote Gateway Pundit’s Mike LaChance.

“This is obviously also one of the reasons why so many liberal networks demanded access to the footage only after Tucker got it. They also knew that he was going to demolish the competition in viewers.”

Headline USA’s Mark Pellin contributed to this report

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