Saturday, September 7, 2024

Feinstein, Soros Linked to Group that Spent Millions to Support Phony Steele Dossier

Group founded in January 2017 paid at least $5.5 million to continue the work of discredited opposition-research firm Fusion GPS...

Tax records show that a group linked to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and funded—like many others—by globalist oligarch George Soros, was a key financial backer to the partisan ‘research’ outfit that produced the Steele dossier.

The so-called Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), led by ex-Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones, began in January 2017, the same month that media first leaked the now-debunked reports, according to the Washington Examiner.

Prior to the 2016 election, ex-British spy chief Christopher Steele, a rabid anti-Trumper with ties to the Kremlin, was commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in an effort to discredit and undermine the rival GOP candidate.

For its efforts, the company was compensated a reported $168,000 via Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias.

But after checks from Clinton and the DNC stopped clearing, Fusion GPS—the company that fed Steele’s salacious innuendo to the Obama Justice Department and FBI via a back-channel cloak-and-dagger operation—continued to push its specious claims well into the Trump presidency.

From 2017 through 2019, as Feinstein was serving as a prominent member of the Senate Judiciary Committee during multiple hearings about the Russia-collusion claims, her former staffer funneled $5,506,251 to Fusion GPS’s parent company, Bean LLC, and an additional $1,149,297 to Walsingham Partners, a company co-founded by Steele.

Despite claiming on the company’s tax filings that TDIP’s purpose was “to promote democracy in the United States and around the world,” much of the research it backed seemed to focus on efforts to smear pro-freedom movements like the UK’s Brexit referendum, by attempting to link them to Russia.

Other firms being funded by Jones were named in the Senate Judiciary testimony of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. Among them was UK-based intelligence consultancy Edward Austin, which helped advocate for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian company being investigated by the Justice Department for money laundering and other financial crimes.

While helping spread the wealth around, Jones was well-compensated for his work with the “social welfare” nonprofit.

The Examiner reported that his personal compensation between 2017 and 2019 averaged more than $350,000 annually and totaled more than $1.065 million.

At least $1 million of TDIP’s $13 million operating budget during the same span came via Soros’s Fund for a Better Future.

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