Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump, Congress LIVID at Rep. Massie for Forcing Roll-Call Vote in DC

‘He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay…’

(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Libertarian-leaning Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., announced on Friday he will force a formal roll-call vote, delaying the House’s immediate passage of a $2 trill relief package.

The congressman’s move forced several of his colleagues to board mostly-empty flights to Washington to vote in person, and prompted President Trump to call for his removal from the Republican party.

Citing concerns with the leftist pork stuffed into the stimulus bill, Massie argued that real relief would “go straight to the people rather than being funneled through banks and corporations,” which is exactly what the CARES Act does, he explained.

By forcing a roll-call vote, Massie said he is simply follow constitutional procedure, which requires the House to meet its official quorum of 216 lawmakers in order to debate, vote on, or pass legislation.

Democratic and GOP leadership were concerned earlier this week that they would not be able to meet the quorum to pass the stimulus given how many representatives have been forced to quarantine themselves as the coronavirus spreads.

But both parties have enough members to override Massie’s objections.

“It’s pretty clear now, with enough members here to pass the bill, that Pelosi and McCarthy are still working together to block a recorded vote just to insulate members of Congress from ACCOUNTABILITY,” Massie said on Friday afternoon.

President Trump slammed Massie and accused him of “empowering the Radical Left Democrats,” calling him a “disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!”

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