Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Doctor: Trump Improving, But Not ‘Out of the Woods’ Yet

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump went through a “very concerning” period Friday and faces a “critical” next two days in his fight against COVID-19 at...

Nevada Gov. Sisolak’s New COVID Orders Still Privilege Casinos Over Churches

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, updated the state's health directives to let more people attend religious gatherings, but the order still privileges casinos...

Disputed Anonymous Report: Mike Pence Ordered Borders Closed Due to COVID

(Headline USA) Vice President Mike Pence in March directed the nation's top disease control agency to use its emergency powers to effectively seal the...

Federal Judge Says Sandmann’s Lawsuits Against Corporate Media Can Go Forward

A U.S. District Court in Kentucky rejected motions to dismiss from four corporate media outlets that former Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann sued, Fox...

Florida Authorities Arrest Man for Voter Fraud Who ‘Wanted to Test the System’

(Headline USA) Florida authorities say they've filed a voter fraud charge against a man who said he said he "wanted to test the system"...

Democrat Senate Nominee in NC Admits to Sexting Wife of Army Veteran

Senate candidate Cal Cunningham, D-N.C., said on Friday that he cheated on his wife by sending sexually explicit text messages to the wife of...

List of COVID Cases in Trump’s Orbit Grows

A growing list of people in President Donald Trump's orbit revealed Friday that they had tested positive for the coronavirus after Trump himself acknowledged...

Alumni at Amy Barrett’s Alma Mater Condemn Her for Pro-Life, Pro-Family Views

(Associated Press) U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett graduated in 1994 with honors from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. But more than 1,500 alumni...

Trump Goes Walter Reed as Precaution, Gives Thumbs Up while Walking to Marine One

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump appeared in public Friday evening for the first time since being stricken by COVID-19. Trump walked out of the White...

Mich. Supreme Court Rules Gov. Whitmer’s Authoritarian Lockdown Rules Unconstitutional

The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down months of authoritarian lockdown orders by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that the power-hungry Democrat claimed were aimed...
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