Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monthly Archives: October, 2020

CNN Caught Repackaging Debunked Leftist Talking Points into Even FAKER News

In a recent smear campaign to promote the unsubstantiated narrative that President Donald Trump's rallies were spreading the coronavirus, CNN offered a unique glimpse...

Roots of Antifa: This ‘Idea’ Has Violent Consequences

(Mark Hemingway, RealClearInvestigations) As riots and looting consumed Philadelphia this week after a fatal police shooting, a radical left-wing group, the “Philly Socialists,” began monitoring...

Far-Left NC Town Defies State Elections Board, Keeps BLM Flags at Polling Site

(Associated Press) North Carolina elections officials ordered a town to remove Black Lives Matter signs from its voting site at town hall, but town officials...

Almost Hopeless for Democrats to Keep Alabama’s Senate Seat Held by Doug Jones

(Associated Press) Standing by a blue pickup truck at a rally near the birthplace of the late civil rights icon John Lewis, Alabama Sen. Doug...

Court Won’t Back Gun Ban Outside Michigan Polling Places

(Headline USA) The Michigan appeals court on Thursday rejected an appeal from a Democratic state official who wants to ban the open carry of guns...

When ‘Fiats Fail,’ Precious Metals Prevail

(David Morgan, Money Metals News Service) There are two theories of money. The first is that it should have intrinsic value, something people can hold, knowing...

Walmart Removes Guns, Ammo on Display Due to Riots & Looting

(Headline USA) Walmart says it has removed ammunition and firearms from displays at its U.S. stores, citing “civil unrest" in some areas. The nation's largest retailer,...

Kentucky Court Won’t Reduce Jury Award in Rand Paul Attack

(Headline USA) The Kentucky Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an award of nearly $600,000 against Sen. Rand Paul's former neighbor, who attacked the lawmaker in...

DOJ Confirms Bidens Have Been Under Active Investigation Since 2019

Amid growing scrutiny over whether the FBI sought to cover up damning information about the Biden family's corrupt ties to foreign governments, the Justice...

Did Hillary Just Reveal Who’s Holding Strings of Would-Be Biden Admin?

A new interview by Hillary Clinton may shed light on the identity of a key behind-the-scenes puppet-master in Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden's aspiring...
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