‘The Left-wing media are the unindicted conspirators of America’s anti-Semites, white nationalists, and other odious racists…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With the arrival of the quadrennial campaign season, as sure as Leap Years and Olympic fever, Americans can count on the Left to revert back to its shrill and specious race-baiting attacks.
This has been Democrats’ modus operandi for decades—and yet, with each election cycle, they hope a new generation of naive 20somethings will bite after conveying to the populous a sense of panic and urgency to oust the status quo.
In doing so, one must cast aside rational common sense and elect radicals whose cynical proposals pander to voters’ basest instincts and to the lowest common denominators of society: open borders, court-packing, slavery reparations, socialist wealth distribution and an all-encompassing nanny state to protect people against themselves.
President Donald Trump has only fueled the Left’s fervor by refusing to capitulate to the forces of political correctness, breaking with the stuffy decorum of past conservative thought-leaders by pushing back in equal measure to the extreme rhetoric.
The frenzied effort by The New York Times last week to revise an objectively written headline—after leftists objected to it—on Trump’s response to recent mass shootings pulled back, for a brief moment, the veneer behind which their entire house of cards is built.
By failing to filter or “contextualize” the president’s remarks through the prism of progressivist spin, the rare moment of candor—reporting on what was said rather than what was interpreted by the opposition—portrayed a leader who had the potential to unify and heal in the wake of senseless violence.
But as conservative columnist Deroy Murdock noted in a column last week, such has been the case all along.
“[W]hen journalists almost unanimously bury President Trump’s repeated pleas to undermine racists and unite the country, fear and loathing thrive,” noted Murdock, who is black.
“Thus, the Left-wing media are the unindicted conspirators of America’s anti-Semites, white nationalists, and other odious racists,” he said.
Accompanying Murdock’s column, Grabien included the following montage of moments when Trump’s words have run counter to the Left’s fraudulent “white supremacist” narrative.