Saturday, September 7, 2024

Whistleblower: UN ‘Complicit in Genocide’ for Giving Names of Dissidents to China

'This is basic decency and basic standards of humanity—don’t secretly put these people in danger...'

Officials in the United Nations provided the names of Chinese dissidents to the Chinese Communist Party before the witnesses testified in Geneva about the abuses they saw and suffered, the Epoch Times reported.

Leaked emails from a whistleblower confirm that UN human rights officials freely gave the names of the dissidents—making them “criminal” and “complicit in genocide”despite continued denials from the UN.

And it wasn’t a one-time oversight. Everyone involved in giving the names to the communist regime treated it as “usual practice.”

UN whistleblower Emma Reilly said that when a dissident goes to the UN with information about the regime’s abuses, the CCP will threaten to kill, kidnap or torture the dissident’s family.

Reilly works for the UN, though the corrupt organization has started an “investigation” into her employment.

One Sept. 7, 2012 email from a CCP diplomat to the UN in Geneva showed their friendly relationship.

“Following the usual practice, could you kindly heip me [sic] to check whether the persons on the attached list are requesting the accreditation of the 21st session of the HRC [Human Rights Council]?” asked the CCP diplomat in an email to a UN liaison with non-governmental organizations. “My delegation has some security concern [sic] on these persons.”

A UN official told the CCP official that he knew of two dissidents that the CCP was tracking.

“As per your request, kindly be advised that Dolkun Isa and He Geng were accredited by the Nonviolent Radical party, Transnational and Transparty for the 21st session of the Human Rights Council,” the UN official said.

These dissidents have raised concerns about the oppression and atrocities in Tibet, Hong Kong and Western China, where the Islamic Uyghurs live in re-education camps.

“This is a hideous practice, but if the UN is going to do it, at least they must make sure it’s public so people know the danger they are going to be put in,” Reilly said. “This is basic decency and basic standards of humanity—don’t secretly put these people in danger. Is that too much to ask?”

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