Sunday, June 16, 2024

Students Boo ‘War Monger’ Liz Cheney During Commencement Speech

'Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) Disgraced former Rep. Liz Cheney faced a less-than-warm reception from graduates at Colorado College, her alma mater, on Sunday. As she delivered the commencement address, some students expressed their disapproval by booing and turning their chairs away from her, reported the Daily Mail.

During her speech, Cheney recycled the anti-Trump talking points that led to her embarrassing removal from the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022.

“After the 2020 election and the attack of January 6th, my fellow Republicans wanted me to lie,” Cheney stated. “They wanted me to say the 2020 election was stolen, the attack of January 6th wasn’t a big deal, and Donald Trump wasn’t dangerous.”

Cheney also took the opportunity to criticize election integrity attorney Cleta Mitchell, labeling her as an “election denier” and accusing her of advocating against college students’ right to vote. These remarks only served to further fuel the dissatisfaction of the already worked-up students who were protesting Cheney’s presence.

One student even adorned her graduation cap with the following damning message: “Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud.”

Continuing her address, Cheney directed her condemnation toward Republicans, portraying them as threats to democracy. “No party, no nation, no people can defend and perpetuate a constitutional republic if they accept leaders who have gone to war with the rule of law, with the democratic process, with the peaceful transfer of power, with the Constitution itself,” Cheney continued.

Several photos, first revealed by the Daily Mail, display several students turning their chairs as Cheney delivered her speech.

Cheney also shared her personal dilemma, stating, “I had to choose between lying and losing my position in House leadership.” She previously held the position of the third-ranking Republican leader in Congress.

Since leading Congress, Cheney has used every public appearance to deliver her grievances against former President Donald Trump. She has even flirted with the idea of running for the GOP primary for president in 2024. Several polls, however, have shown that Trump has a strong lead in the Republican primary.

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